Chapter 6: The Storm of Adversity

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The view from above the clouds was nothing short of breathtaking; however Newgate knew he couldn't keep this up for long. His legs were terribly sore after doing it from Fukuoka all the way to Shizuoka which would normally take 4 hours and 30 minutes by train into about a 2 hour trip.

So due to this, he started to descend which was quickly noticed by his two passengers with both giving a scream. Whether it was a scream of terror or excitement will never be known.

After several more shockwaves to slow down, Newgate and his kids saw the ground approaching fast and Newgate braced his legs along with tightened his grip to not let his children get hurt.

The ground exploded under the feet of the 22 ft tall man raising a massive dust cloud and shockwave. Moments later, Newgate rushed out of the dust screen while covering his passengers faces to prevent the inhalation of dust.

Not caring about his surroundings, Newgate charged forward through trees before eventually he felt his legs buckle. The momentum caused him to fly forward down the hill he found himself on. During the short flight Newgate turns his body mid air to land on his back.

Another loud noise is heard in the woods except this time it's Newgate's back sliding on the dirt until his momentum ceases and brings him to a stop. It's only then that Newgate makes an audible exhale and relaxes the rest of his body.

His arms, which acted like seat belts for Keigo and Kaina, fell on either side as if they were a chopped tree. Said people also release an exhale of their own at the impromptu roller coaster ending and turn to look at Newgate.

After getting several more deep breaths, Newgate was the first to speak. "I'm sorry for the rough landing. I didn't mean to scare you, my children." Newgate tries to lift his neck while talking but the strain is too much and he settles for staring at the darkening sky.

"I would rather go to Tartarus than experience that again." Kaina gave her new Pops a blank look while Keigo looked at her as if she was stupid.

"What do you mean? That was so fun! Can we do it again?" Keigo inputted his own two cents causing Kaina to turn to him in surprise. That was followed by both occupants shaking due to Newgate's chuckle.

"I'm afraid I can't do that my son. My legs are too tired and I currently can't feel them so I can't even move from here if I wanted to." At that Kaina becomes alert and quickly stands up from Newgate's chest and walks down his body towards his legs.

Quickly walking on top of the leg to check if there is any break, Kaina works quickly with Keigo looking on.

"Is there anything wrong my daughter?" Kaina pauses before resuming her check up routine.

"Nothing appears broken, which is honestly a miracle that your body can take this much damage and only now stop working." Kaina responds after a few seconds of silence and returns to be with her new little brother.

Newgate lets loose another chuckle. "And I'll continue to get stronger to protect you two." This caused the sibling duo to smile, making Newgate see light in the corner of his eyes.

Is this what people saw whenever I used to smile?

Newgate couldn't help but think, glad he didn't get blinded. "My legs should recover after I sleep so I'll see you kids in the morning."

Kaina suddenly stiffens and before she can stop herself, "I'm not a kid anymore!" She crosses her arms and turns away from Newgate.

"Hehe, that's what a kid would say." Keigo quickly retorts, causing Kaina to twist her neck to face him for the second time. The surprise on her face is evident before it turns to annoyance.

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