Chapter 8: A Wish That Units All

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The night air felt cold and crisp as it always does. The sounds of people and vendors selling their wares fills the streets, mixing into a chaotic symphony of happiness and celebration. Yet not everyone is able to partake in such a symphony.

One such individual looks down at the crowds of people from the roof of a tall building. The man is crouched to be less visible to those below even though he knows everyone is busy enjoying the celebrations down below.

With a brown coat draped around the man blows in the wind though it doesn't bother the man. His blue dress shirt and jeans offer more protection with his wolf-like fur covering everything his clothes didn't. He was kinda glad for it even if it's part of the reason people fear him. Looking down at those below makes him feel sick with hatred.

Look at them go. So happy to enjoy themselves while they treat me like a monster.

The individual's large reptilian tail swings with his growing anger and he can't help but let a small flame escape his wolf jaw. Realizing his anger will lead him nowhere, the creature reaches into his coat with his eagle talon like hands for a cigar. Pulling it out, he quickly puts it in his mouth.

Feeling the familiar texture, his tongue and jaws work in tandem to move the cigar to the right side of his jaw. Let loose a small flame the cigar comes to life with the chimera taking a deep puff of his stogie.

The reaction is immediate as the previous tension from emotion quickly disappears and even the beasts snake like dreads seem to lose their tension. The chimera stays like this for a while with him even sitting down and putting his back against the small curb by the building's edge.

It's been some time since I've been this relaxed. Maybe with the police, heroes, and most definitely the public occupied with this stupid new year I can rest for a bit. Hehe, I'm gonna have my own little new year up here with my good old friend.

The chimera's eyes seem to move to the cigar in his mouth before his sharp eyes catch a vibrant white which didn't match the dark setting he found himself in.

Sitting up with a start and moving into a crouched possession ready to jump away if necessary. The beast turns his head and is greeted by a giant of a man with white hair with green eyes which seemed to pierce the dark along with a much smaller teenager with white hair and gray eyes standing on the giant's shoulder.

This awkward stare down lasted for a much longer time than both parties would like to admit.

"Apologize for intruding on your space. This is the only spot I found that wasn't decorated with civilians." The colossal man spoke up to end the tense air though the beast man's stance never released its tension.

"Are you a hero?" The chimera asks the question immediately with the massive man letting off a small chuckle and the teenager simply staring into the beast's hollow yellow eyes with a perpetual blank face.

"No I am not." The man turns to face the main street. "If I was then I would be there wouldn't I?" The monster man seems to think for a bit, takes a puff from his cigar, and gets out of the crouched stance.

Standing up to his full 6'10, the chimera barely clears the large white hair of the taller man who by then turned back to face the wolf looking man.

"Well then, if that's the case, what brings you out here?" The cigar seems to roll in his mouth as he asks.

"Same thing that brought you." This time it was the teenager who responded who turned to face the crowd like his Pops before him to emphasize his point.

This caused everyone to turn and face the fortune people of Nagoya as another silence enveloped them with only the sounds of the city filling in the noise. The chimera seemed fine with the silence and even slightly enjoyed staying in the presence of people who share a slight bit of his pain at the very least.

The Man Who Shakes the WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon