Chapter 1: A New Start

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Izuku Midoriya looked at the walls that surround him for the thousandth time. No matter how many times he closes his eyes and wills them to disappear they never do. They keep him away from his Mom, his sensei, his friends or those that would still stand by him, but most importantly they keep him away from his dream. A dream that Izuku feels is dying the longer he stays in Tartarus' walls.

Even if the memory is fleeting he still remembers the events after the USJ attack he and his classmates barely survived. He was so emotional that most of it felt like a blur, but he can still pick out a few things. The police dragging him to principal Nezu's office where he then is accused of being a spy to the recently named League of Villains in front of the UA staff is the most prominent memory. That and his mentor and father-figures look of utter disappointment. That definitely hurt the most out of the entire event. Even having to give One For All to some 3rd year named Mirio hurt less than the crushing gaze All Might had kept leveled on Izuku the entire time.

Izuku hated it. Was his bond with his mentor and he dare say father not strong enough for him to see through Nezu's judgment? Isn't a parent supposed to believe in their child no matter what even if they do something wrong? Izuku had a lot of time to ponder that thought.

The only good thing Izuku could think of which happened on that day was him not seeing his classmates' reactions. If he did....Izuku shivers that thought away.

As the rest of his memories of the day are too clouded with emotion and tears he brings himself back to the present and back on the white walls that still haunt him. Izuku's first days in Tartarus were...rough. Being a hero in training and quirkless didn't help in any way. The only saving grace was that the guards don't allow fighting so nobody has hurt him yet. However, that doesn't stop the other prisoners from whispering about him or straight up yelling insults. They didn't hurt Izuku as much as he expected, guess he got used to it from Kaachan.

After some time the prisoners got tired of Izuku's flinching after every insult and went back to their usual discussions they have in the brief period they are out of their cells. This presented Izuku, who usually sits in the corner of the cafeteria, an opportunity to learn about the people around him. And learn he did. From some of their names, to what they have done, quirks, backstory, and ideals. If anything this affirmed to Izuku that the worst of the worst get locked up here and he should be anywhere but here.

However, another thought crosses his mind when he listens to these villains tell tales of their deeds. Could have they been guided better? It's a hero's job to stop a villain but what guides them to be villains? Was it their families? Their quirks? Or the thought that scared him the most when he first thought of it, was it the Hero's fault these villains exist.

Izuku held out his beliefs of heroes being just and righteous and that these villains are just slandering their names yet the longer he stayed and listened the more that denial turned into sadness and then pity for the villains. If only he was strong enough to be a prominent figure in their lives to guide them, like a parent. His heart clenched thinking of that comparison with his mind flashing to All Might briefly.

The prisoner however didn't only talk about themselves but also of those who laid deeper inside Tartarus. Izuku was glad he wasn't one of those inmates since the guards didn't perceive him as a threat since he's quirkless.

Finally my quirklessness actually helped me for once he thought at the time. Some of the convicts in the deeper levels were absolute psychopaths which makes Izuku remember that Hand villain in the USJ. However there is one that he remembers being talked about if briefly yet it stuck with him.

"Oh what about that beauty?"

"Which one?"

"Nagant dumbass"

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