Chapter 5: I Need A Hero

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Newgate looked up at the sky with the sun glaring in his eyes being answer enough that it's around noon. Making sure his son is still in his hand, Newgate finishes the remaining journey to the bridge unimpeded. As he reaches the bridge he gets on his knees and places Keigo down on the ground who jumps off the hand and looks up at his Pops for direction like a puppy.

Chuckling, Newgate lets one of his fingers mess with Keigo's hair who closes his eyes to enjoy the feeling more.

"When can we see Nagant again?" Keigo asks as Newgate retracts his hand.

Looking down, Newgate has a thoughtful look that forms into a slight frown. "Not for a while most likely." Newgate lies. It hurt to do but something tells him he'll be seeing Lady Nagant much sooner than he would like Keigo to believe. "However, we are going to need to move."

"What do you mean move? How is she gonna find us if we go somewhere else?" Keigo retorts and sports his own frown on his small face.

"Well she has one of your feathers doesn't she? You can tell which direction she is at least." At the mention of his feather, Keigo blushes before attempting to clear it from his face to hide it from Newgate.

"Y-yeah!" Keigo said loudly trying to cover up his blush further. However it soon disappears and is replaced with a sadness Newgate immediately picks up on. "But I could barely feel her even now. My wings are so useless! Why couldn't I have been like you!" Newgate looks at his son along with the anger radiating off him at himself and moves to put a stop to it.

Keigo feels two massive thumbs on either side of his shoulders which seem to pull him out of his self hatred. Gold eyes stare into green for the second time that day. "Never say such things my son. Every quirk is wonderful and has a purpose. No matter how bad it may seem there is no such thing as a useless quirk or villain and hero quirk for that matter. There is only people and the power they wield to make the lives of those around them better. Never try to throw such an important part of yourself away. You never know if you might be the only person who can save someone one day."

Newgate's words seemed to carry wisdom and power which shook Keigo to his core. His body began to shake as more tears started appearing on his face. Newgate had a brief thought of Keigo being secretly a Midoriya before discarding the thought to pick up his son in his hands once more.

Keigo cried once again into the chest of his ever present father figure. Memories of his childhood with his parents continuously saying his wings are a hindrance and useless flash into his mind until they are destroyed by the voice and love of his Pops telling him the opposite.

After a couple of sniffles, Keigo got the tears of happiness out of his system and looked up at Newgate with a smile that only showed admiration. Newgate reciprocated with his own smile.

"Now is a perfect time to use those wings of yours." Keigo perked up at that. "Get anything we left under the bridge and bring it in front of us with your feathers. I am much too big to get it myself." Newgate finishes off with a smirk at his son's determined face as feathers fly out from his back.

The feathers soon enough fly out from the bridge with several water bottles, crates, and spare clothes. Keigo seemed happy that he was able to do this with his feathers as Newgate simply enjoyed the joy radiating off the boy's smile.

"Good job son. With the small bits of quirk training we did and you believing in yourself you did so well." Newgate was quick to compliment, causing him to almost get blinded by the smile Keigo sent his way.

"Now then, since we are going to be leaving, let's finish what's inside the crate so we don't waste it." Reaching for the crate, Newgate opens the box to eat its contents with his son.

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