Chapter 34

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- alpha chul is a bad mf who sent his betas to sojoons house to check out if ks is still rogue or not (hes interested in ks because he likes collecting unique packmembers like the twins who have the ability to morph into one and ks isnt like the other omega)
- ks ended up joining the pack to get alpha chul to back off.
- sojoon found out kyungsoo has been training Jennie
- sojoon lost his shit and kinda scared kyungsoo so they been distant ever since
- they're on a school trip (jay, chanyeol, kyungsoo, jongin)
- kyungsoo only went for the waterfalls cause he didn't believe they were real
- kyungsoo was mad at jongin for snitching but they made up splashing water round in the lake of the waterfalls including their little eye f****** before the teachers call cockblocked him.
- ks asked jg to share a tent


when kyungsoo woke up, he turned on the little sleeping mat in the tiny space they had. It was hard and every movement had caused a new noise and a shake of the tent, both meant for one person and while kyungsoo may be smaller, jongin definitely wasnt. The Omega assumed, the tight space and the noises of the forest including The distant snorring of other students, would cause another sleepless night to drag out.

But it wasn't like that, in fact the night went by within the blink of an eye. He hadnt even remembered falling asleep much less if he'd woken up during the night like he usually did.

Kyungsoo shivered, arms moving the blankets to cover himself better. Sometime during the night jongin had shifted beside him and laid both blankets over him but still, it was cold.

he'd learned in class that betas tend to feel hot faster and never really get cold to begin with. It must be why jongin dumped the blankets despite being shirtless himself. But how could the difference be like that? He dodnt understand how it worked when it wad explained and he struggled believing everything any teachers tell him anyway. He remembered glaring at the teacher once he started descriving omegas as fragile and sensitive to not only the cold but also pain.
they laugh if they knew hed carried himself through piles of snow while bleeding out. He knew betas who wouldnt be able to go througz the same. In fact he may just have known a couple of alphas fromt he past, who would not have withstood the same circumstances.
How easy it wouldve been to proof his point but it wouldve cause more trouble than good.
Instesd kyungsoo looked at the other students, disgusted to find them agree or sleep in boredome, it didn't even matter. It wasnt important. Survival wasnt as important as it used to be.

Kyungsoo exhaled, moving the blanket slightly as he looked over the betas exposed back he'd faced beside him.
A few scars littered his skin, bright and already fading. Only a few had healed, leaving risen skin behind. he stopped himself from reaching out and tracing them curiously as to what could have caused them. they were too straight lined to be made by a whip and if he followed the line off a scar traveling along his spine, it almost looked intentional, calculated.

Jongin sniffed, slowly coming to himself. Or at least thats what kyungsoo thought as he watched the taller shift and turn around to lay on his other side, unintentionally facing him now. His eyes were still closed however and his even breaths indicated he was back to resuming sleep afterall.

Kyungsoo kept still where he laid and how he laid. If the beta wasnt asleep, he was sure this wouldve been uncomfortable or weird again like at the lake. He was almost as close to him now as he had been then. but his stomach didnt twist and burn like then. All he felt was curiosity.

There was another long scar running down from jongin neck and over his chest to his ribcage. it couldnt have been a claw causing that. it must've been something thin and sharp, he thought, definitely a weapon.
His face dudnt carry many scars but if he looked closer there was another one over his cheekbone and one by his eyebrow. nothing particularly obvious however only old, healed, and faded remains of fights.

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