Chapter 16

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A/N: sry if these chapters are not very.. interesting I'm running out of ideas help-

~Kazuhas pov~

Even though Scaramouche reassured me that everything is fine, he continued to distant himself. I couldn't help but notice that he seemed to avoid me as well and planned to talk to him about it. Unfortunually a friend wanted me to help her with some homework she didn't understand. 
Guess I'll talk to him later... I sighed as I made my way to the library. I left a text messages for Scaramouche telling him I'm in the library hoping that he would go there if he sees it. 

"Hey, Hu Tao!"
I sat down on the seat next to her. 
"Kazuha! What took you so long? I've been waiting for hours." She complained. 
"Really? I even hurried." I chuckled.
We quickly started to work on her homework since I told her I'm busy with something. 

I had a lot of fun helping Hu Tao that I didn't even notice that Scaramouche didn't show up. Then suddently a person sat down on the chair next to me and leaned their head against my shoulder.  
"Oh hi Scara.. you took.. long.." 
"Who's that?"
"Who? Hu Tao? She's a friend." I smiled and Hu Tao waved her hand. 
Scaramouche neither smiled or waved back, but just glared at her.  
"Ah- I'm just here to help her with some homework." I quickly added before Scaramouche could say anything.  
To my disappointment he just stood up and left. 

"Aiya, what's his problem again." 
I shrugged. "I don't know.."
Hu Tao suddently leaned closer to my face and smirked. "Is there something going on between you two? He even put his head on your shoulder~" 
"It's not like that..!" I lied and Hu Tao laughed. 
"No, you definitely do. He looked too jealous to say that there's nothing." 
I just looked to the side embarrassed. "Okay.. maybe.." 
"Awww Kazuha's in love!" Hu Tao yelled out and I quickly covered her mouth with my hand. 
"Shut up.." 

We finished her homework quickly and I hurried outside hoping I'd still be able to meet up with Scaramouche at the ice rink. But to my suprise I saw him standing in front of the library staring at his phone. 
"You're done?"
"Y-yea.. Shall we go skating?" 
Scaramouche didn't reply, but started walking. I quickly followed and took his hand. He tries to let go of my hand, but my grip was too strong and he eventually gave up. 

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked when we finally arrived. 
"I ... haven't?" 
"You are. You didn't even talk to me."
Scaramouche suddently snapped at me. " I've been ignoring you? You have been ignoring me since you left!" 

Was I..? I started to recall my memories. I've been with my friends like always... 
"I'm.. sorry.., but could you tell me why you feel like I ignore you?" 
Scaramouche kept quiet. 
"Scara.. If you don't tell me I won't know why you feel that way." I walked closer to him and caressed his cheek. 
He still didn't say anyting, so I pressed his face into my chest. 
"Are you jealous?" I smirked. 
"Of what?" 
"You know, Hu Tao."
"N-no.. I'm not!" 
"You are." 
"I'm not!" 
"You are."
"Ugh, you're such an idiot." 
"No, you're just jealous."
Scaramouche suddently pushed me away. " Just because you can be jealous of Mona doesn't mean I can't be jealous of Hu Tao." He yelled, crossed his arms and looked to the side. 
"I'm not jealous of Mona." I smiled. "So you're admitting that you're jealous."
I chuckled and held him back in my arms. 

"Wanna hang out then? How about a sleepover? I think we need one." 
"No, I already said I'm busy." Scaramouche quickly said. 
"With what?" 
"Meeting.. Mona.." 

"Oh.." I felt a wave of sadness and.. jealousy? No I'm not jealous .. am I? 
"But.. you can go tomorrow and sleep over today. (today is Friday)
Scaramouche didn't answer and still seemed mad.
"You know what if necessary I'll just drag you to my place." I said and we went out of the locker room. 


"But I.. don't want to go.." Scaramouche complained, but his eyes shining excited.
"You do." I said and started to walk back to my house. 
Scaramouche continued to complain, but walked with me. 

"My parents aren't home yet, so we have some time alone." I said when I unlocked the door. 
Scaramouche looked around since he has never been here before. I immiediatly hugged him from behind when I closed the front door and we stood there for a couple of minutes. 
"I'm tired.." Scaramouche said. 
"Let's go take a shower first." I suggested since we just came back from skating. 
"Y-you don't want us to shower together r-right..?!" Scaramouche paniced.
"Unless you want to." 
"You didn't say no~"
"We are not showering together!" Scaramouche yelled out and quickly pushed me away. 
I laughed as I went to get him a towel.

After we finished showering I laid Scaramouche down on my bed and cuddled with him. I pulled him into a tight hug and he closed his eyes. Just then we heard a loud thunder followed by heavy rain. Scaramouche moved closer to me and burried his face in my chest. I smile as I gently stroke his hair. 
"You're a real cutie, did you know that.." I whispered.
"Shut up.." Scaramouche whispered back tiredly.
"Just admit that you want to cuddle with me this whole time." 
"I won't!"
"Just say it, don't be embarrassed~" I teased him.
"Hmpf, I hate you.." "
"Love you too, Scara."

We must have fallen asleep after that since I woke up to the sound of my parents coming home. Scaramouche seemed to also wake up. "What's happening.. " He said tired.
"I think my parents are back." I said and gave him a quick kiss before my parents came into my room.
"Hi Kazu, we're back! Who's that next to you?" My mom, Beidou, asked me. 
"Oh that's my boyfriend Scaramouche. Can he stay for the night?" 
"Ah alright. Ningguang and I will be downstairs or in our bedroom if you guys need anything. Dinner is also ready, we bought some food." She replied and closed the door. 

I looked over to Scaramouche, who's face was all red.
"Are you okay-"
"Say what?" I asked confused.
"Tell your parents that I'm your boyfriend."
"Oh uhh yea. They already know I'm gay and don't really mind it.."
"I- Still." 

~Scaramoches pov~

Kazuha kissed me again and I felt butterflies in my stomach. 
"Should we go down and eat?" Kazuha said. 
"5 more minutes.." I mumbled and laid back down. 
"Come on, we can cuddle again after dinner."
"Just 5 more minutes."
"I'm hungry though."
"Too bad." 

Even after 5 minutes we continued to cuddle there until Kazuha got up and carried me downstairs. 
"Put me back down, I'm tired."
"But we got to eat something." Kazuha protested and put me onto a chair. 
Kazuha's parents seemed to be in the living room since they weren't downstaris. 
"But I'm not hungry."
"Then I'm going to feed you."
Without a warning he shuffed a spoonfull of food into my mouth and forced me to eat it. Then he used the same spoon to eat himself and I looked away embarrassed. 
"I can eat on my own.." I quietly said.
"I want to feed you though." 
"I'm not a kid-!" 
My protest was cut by Kazuha putting food into my mouth. I gave up and just quietly chewed on the food. 


words: 1245

Look at this beautiful picture I took

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Look at this beautiful picture I took. I should become a photographer /hj
(It looks so cursed help-)

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