Chapter 14

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~Scaramouches pov~

Ever since I gave Kazuha that gift he has been more clingy to me and constantly giving me random kisses. I mean.. not if I mind.., but does that mean he likes me too? That thought crossed my mind again when Kazuha softly pressed his lips on mine and wrapped his arms around me, cuddling. Should I talk with him about it? I thought and gathered my courage to talk, but then realized that Kazuha already dozed off. I moved myself closer to his chest, deciding to sleep and ask him tomorrow. 

~Kazuhas pov~

When I woke up the next day I found Scaramouche cuddling close to me. The alarm hasn't gone off yet, so I slowly got up and reached for my phone, making sure that I won't awake Scaramouche. I set up 10 more minutes before I cuddled back with Scaramouche, who slowly burried his face closer to my neck. Suddently I felt a sharp pain from my neck and quickly pushed Scaramouche away, who started to laugh. 
"You should see your face right now!" He exclaimed. 
I took this opportunity, quickly kissed him and slid my tonge into his mouth. Scaramouche shrieked by suprise, but returned the kiss until we suddently heard a knock on the door.

I got off of Scaramouche just in time before Shogun popped her head inside.
"Oh, you guys are awake. Hurry up or you'll be late again." She said and closed the door again. 
I leaned my back against the wall and signaled Scaramouche to sit on my lap. He slowly moved over to me and sat down. I started to play with his hair while he rested his head against my chest. 
"Kazu..?" Scaramouche suddently said.
"About the whole kissing and hugging thing uhm... do you .. like me or something.." He looked away, his cheeks painted red.
"Mhm.. yes. Yes I do." 
"Oh.. I thought it was all just a dare or something.." 
I tilted my head confused. "What do you mean with 'just a dare'?" 
"Like.. kissing and hugging me, pretending to be my friend..."
"Ohhh. No, it's not a dare at all. I really do like you, but .. if you thought it was just a dare did you just.. play along..."
Scaramouche didn't answer and I took that as his answer. 
"Uhm.. alright.." I gently pushed Scaramouche off me. "I'll.. go change.." 
I quickly slid down from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. What did I do wrong.. I thought he liked me. He even bought a gift... Completly frustrated about the situation I forgot to lock the door behind me.

~Scaramouches pov~

He likes me. He likes me! What should I do?? Feeling like a complete idiot I still sat there on my bed. And I like him too.. Does that mean we can date..? Thinking about it made my heart jump from joy. Why didn't I say anything, I'm such an Idiot! I jumped out of my bed and rushed to the bathroom, not even questioning why the door was open and locked it behind me. When I turned around I quickly covered my eyes and turned back around. 
"Don't.. worry I don't really mind you seeing me shirtless." Kazuha said in a soft, but sad voice. 
Still feeling a little uncomfortable I slowly turned around and looked at him. He looks so pretty... Without knowing I had planted my hand on his chest, but quickly pulled away when I noticed. 
"S-sorry!" I yelled out, covered my face and sunk to the ground. 
Kazuha chuckled, but I could feel how he tries his best not to hug me. "Why are you here?" He asked.
"I.. about what you said earlier. You didn't even give me a chance to answer before you pushed me away!"
"Oh?" I saw hope glowing in his eyes. "What.. would be your answer then?"
He moved closer to me and I could feel how hot my face was.
"I..I- I think.. I like y-you too.." I whispered.
"What was that? I couldn't hear it." Kazuha's eyes shined amused, which means he heard it.
"You already heard it!" 
"Then tell me once again please." 

"Come on just one more time." 
He moved closer to my ear. "Say it." He whispered and made me shiver.
I tried to calm down. "Fine, I..I... think I have ...feelings for.. you." I said a little louder this time.
"Still couldn't hear it, can you say that again?" 
"Oh come on you heard it!" 
Kazuha chuckled. "Alright, I have feelings for you too." 
"So..w-what are we n-now.."
"Mhm, I don't know. Feelers?"  

Kazuha looked at me and I knew he wanted me to say it. I gathered up my courage and took a deep breath.
"Will you.. be my boyfriend then.." 
Kazuha gently kissed me and I returned the kiss. 

"What have you guys been doing in the bathroom so long?" Shogun asked and my face instantly flushed.
"Changing." Kazuha answered, which wasn't very good answer. 
Shogun raised an eyebrow but didn't continue to care. "You're already late. I'll drive you to school today."
"That's nice, thank you." Kazuha said while I sat at the table with my face red as a tomato. 

It wasn't anything better on the ride. Kazuha constantly tries to kiss or hug me while I tried my best to push him off. 
"My sister is here!" I whispered, but Kazuha didn't seem to care and continues trying. 
"But we won't see each other until lunch." He whined
"We can meet at the bathroom, calm down."
"I don't wanna wait though." 
"Too bad." 
"Please, I don't mind you guys making out." Shogun stated and we both froze before laughing awkwardly. 

We ended up not "making out" and split after we arrived at school. 

~Kazuas pov~

"You look dreamy today, did something happen?" Heizou asked as I approached him. 
"Really, that smile painted on your face definitly says something happened." Venti added. 
"No, nothing happened." I answered. 
For some reason I didn't want to tell them that I'm dating Scaramouche just yet. I wanted to see what they would do. 
"You sure? Scaramouche looked pretty flustered when he stepped out of the car~" Venti teased.
I was still a little sad that he didn't want to kiss, but brushed it off. He had his reasons. 
Venti said something else, but I didn't hear it so I just nodded and shrieked back when he screamed.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You just agreed on dating him." Heizou said with a smile.
"What? No.. I didn't hear your question."
"Stop screaming Venti.." 

Lunch soon came by. Somehow Venti convinced me to follow him to go around the hallways because he was missing something.
"It's in this classroom." He said and I walked inside.
"But I don't remember you ever having class in this classroom..?" I asked confused, but when I turned around I saw Venti grinning.
"Have fun." He said, slammed the door shut and locked it.
Huh? Have fun? Confused I tried to open the room, but he actually locked the door. What? Does he want me to come late to class? Did I do something wrong? Just when I opened my mouth to shout for him to come back another voice stops me.

"There's no use, he won't let us out." 
It was Scaramouche's voice.
"Scara!" I yelled and ran to him, giving him a hug. "He actually did manage to trap us, huh." 
"Well, at least I have you.." Scaramouche whispered and my heart warms up.
"Let us have some 'fun'." I said before connecting our lips. 
We have already met 4 times in the bathroom, but I just couldn't get enough from his kisses. 

Eventually we stopped and cuddled instead. 
"Kazu.. I've been thinking.. I don't want to compete in the skating competition anymore."
"Why not?!" I asked a little disappointed.
"Because I feel like the only reason I competed is to beat you. But I want you to win this year."
"Oh don't say that. We can still compete against each other."
"I don't want to though... I feel like I don't even know my own choreography anymore, because I trained so often with you since I.. hurt your leg... sorry about that."
"Pff don't act like it still didn't heal yet. I feel great. And it.. sort of brought us closer too.."

"Do you think we can perform together?"
"Probably not." Scaramouche sighed. "But we could ask..." 

Suddently the door got unlocked and we quickly parted away, expecting to see Venti, but instead it was a teacher.
"Mind telling me what you guys are doing here?" The teacher said and crossed his arms. 
"We.. we uhm.. the teacher closed the door before we could get out and.. we couldn't find a way out."
Kazuha's lie wasn't very convincing, but the teacher seemed to believe it, since we didn't have any keys on us. 
"Alright, you're free to go then. But hurry up next time." 
"Yes sir!" Kazuha said and dragged me outside. 


words: 1470

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