Chapter 5

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~Kazuhas pov~

A tall woman greeted us once we arrived at Scaramouche's house.
"Oh? Who is that, Kuni?" 
"Don't call me Kuni in front of others!" Scaramouche snapped at her.
"Okay okay, calm down." 
She stepped aside and we went inside the house.

"Hi, I'm Kazuha." I said and held up my hand at her. 
"I'm Shogun. It's nice to meet you, I've heard ... some things about you." 
I gave her a confused look. "What things AHH-?"
Before I could finish my question someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. I turned around and pulled my hand back. 
"Stop, I can walk on my own." I said to Scaramouche and followed him to his room. 

Scaramouche cleared his desk while I looked around his room. 
"Do you want to use my laptop or your phone?" He asked me after he finished cleaning. 
"I'll just use my phone." 
He nodded at my reply and offered me a seat.

"So, you talk about me?" I jokingly said. 
"I do not!" He yelled back.
"But your sister just said that she heard a few things about me." 
"Well yea, I've got to complain to someone how annoying you are." 
"That still means you talk about me."

"Ugh, whatever. What do you want to do in the project?" He asked, seeming to want to changing the subject
"How about we first look up what the Rukkhashava Mushroom is and where it is mostly found?"
We started working on the project. It was kind of awkward since we both didn't talk much except when we found some stuff about that mushroom. 

"Wanna start with Chinese?" I asked after a while. "I'm.. kinda tired of this project. We can continue tomorrow." 

~Scaramouches pov~

I didn't give him an answer, but pulled out my Chinese homework and gave it to him so he can take a look. He seemed to understand it and explained my mistake to me. 
"I think your problem is that you put the noun after the verb and the pinyin tones are also incorrect." 
I put my hands infront of my face and groaned. "This is too complicated." 
Kazuha just chuckled and watched me earse my answers which I luckily wrote with a pencil. While I started to correct my answers I also tried to start a conversation with Kazuha, but there was just nothing we could talk about. I could feel his gaze on my paper while I wrote down some pinyin with the characters, so I tried really hard to write down the correct answer. He didn't correct me with anything so I just assumed that I wrote down the right answer. 

After a while my sister Shogun knocked on the door and came in. 
"I'm sorry for interrupting, but I just wanted to ask Kazuha if he wanted to stay for dinner." 
"No no, it's fine. I'm going to leave once we're done." He answered and gave my sister a smile. 
"Ah, okay. Good to know." 
She left the room and I continued my homework. For some reason I felt a little disappointed? that he doesn't stay for dinner, but I wouldn't dare to ask him to stay. Besides, why would you even want him to stay? I asked myself, but couldn't find an answer to it. 

"That is the second tone, not the fourth." Kazuha suddently said which interrupted my thought. 
"A-ah okay, t-thanks..." 

Soon I finished my homework and we made our way to the front door. 
"Well, see you tomorrow then?" Kazuha said as he puts on his jacket and scarf. 
"Mhm yea.." I replied while watching him. His clothes suit him so well... wait what. I looked away from him, but felt my heartbeat speeding up. 
He waved goodbye to me and my sister and left. 

"So, it's him." Shogun said when we sat down at the dinner table.
 "What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"What about him?" 
She sighed. "You really didn't make it easy for you.." 
"Can you please talk in a language I can understand?" 
She looked at me. "You... seem to have a crush.. on Kazuha."
I almost choked on my food when I heard her say that. "E-excuse me..?" 
"It pretty much looks like it." She said and smirked. 
"N-no never I- I hate him. Because of him I got into so much trouble, why would I ever like him?"
"That's why I said, that it's going to be hard for you."
"Don't even start to deny it. By the way.. you're blushing~" She said and giggled.
"I- Shut up.." I wispered and tried to focus on eating, ignoring the heat on my cheeks.

Dancing for his heart - KazuscaraOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora