Chapter 1

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~Kazuhas pov~

"Okay, one last time and then you're done for today." My coach, Ayaka,  said and I nodded. 

It had been a few year since I've started figure skating. It's been my hobby ever since and I've won some prices before.

I took a deep breath and started my choreography again. There was this competition in a few weeks and I need to be prepared for it.

Just when I finished a spin I suddently bumbed into someone and fell. 
"Ugh, can't you look where your going?" The person in front of me said.
I was about to apologize when I saw who it was. Scaramouche.
"Ugh, fuck off.." I mumbled.
As I sat on the ground glaring at him he smirked and slid away. For some reason Scaramouche and I never got along. I never liked him and neither did he like me. He was in this competition too and I knew he bumbed into me an purpose. 

I tried to get up again and suppressed a scream when I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I slowly got up and tried to continue, but my legs failed and I fell onto the ground/ice. 

"Hey Kazuha, are you okay?" Ayaka asked and slid over to me. 
I guess she didn't see what happened so I just told her I tripped.
"Oh Kazuha, you gotta be more careful before the competition. C'mon let's take a look at your leg." 
Two of my friends , Venti and Heizou who came to watch, were already standing at the exit of the ring and helped Ayaka getting me into a room.
When we found a room I sat down, took off my skates and pulled up my pants. 

"Oh my, it's swollen!" Venti yelled.
"It's nothing bad, at least it's not broken." 
"I'm gonna go get you an ice package I'll be right back." Ayaka said and hurried out of the room.

"We all saw Scaramouche knocking you over, why didn't you tell Ayaka?" Heizou asked when Ayaka left.
"It's nothing serious-" 
"What do you mean 'It's nothing serious'? He could have broken your leg." Venti said.
"It's not broken so I should be fine. I'm sorry you guys are getting dragged into this." 

"Seriously, what's wrong with this guy? He's always so grumpy and mean." Venti complained and crossed his arms. 
"I don't know and I don't care what is going on in that Idiots mind." I replied and took off my gloves.
"Whatever he was thinking I think he should be punished. It's not fair for him to bully you like that." Heizou said. 
"Yea, we should tell Ayaka what he did-"
"No please, don't. Trust me, he won't stop even if Ayaka talk with his coach." I said.

"I feel sorry for his coach. She seemed pretty nice and sweet. I still can't believe she is older than him, she looks so young." Venti said and sat down next to me.
"Mhm. So can you guys please not tell Ayaka that-"
"What should they not tell me?" 
I groaned when I heard Ayakas voice and saw her standing at the doorframe.

"Well I guess there is no use hiding it now." Heizou said. 
"Ughh fine. Scaramouche pushed me down on the ice and I hurt my leg. Happy?" I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall. 
"Why do you think you shoulnd't tell me that?" Ayaka asked. 
"Because I don't think it's neccessary. He will never stop. There would be no point in complaining." 
Ayaka sighed and looked at me. "Kazuha, you can tell me if he's bothering you. I know he won't stop, but I want to you to tell me in case he goes too far."
"*sigh* Alright, fine.."

I cooled my leg for a bit while watching what Venti and Heizou were doing. Ayaka has left already, since she had a meet up. 

"Do you guys wanna go to a café?" I asked and they agreed. 
I tried to get up but the pain in my leg was still there and I fell back on the bench I was sitting on. 
"Are you okay?" Venti asked and they both looked at me with a worried face. 

"I'm alright, my leg should be fine by tomorrow." 
They didn't look very convinced.
"You should stopp training for a few days your leg clearly needs some rest." Heizou stated. 
"B-but I need to practice-"
"No buts, your gonna rest." Venti said and crossed his arms. 

I sighed and agreed. "Alright, but only two days." 
Heizou and Venti looked at each other. Both shook their heads and chuckled before helping me up, carrying me to the nearest café. 

~Scaramouches pov~

I watched Heizou and Venti carrying Kazuha out of the stadium and laughed. 
"What you did was wrong, Scaramouche." A voice said behind me. 
I turned around and saw Childe standing behind me.
"And what if it was mean? His leg is fine."
"Still, it wasn't very nice of you."
"Pff, whatever. It's not my fault that he can't keep his balance." I said and slid away from him. 

Even tho Childe was my best friend, I sometimes don't understand what he means. It was just a little joke, he seems like such a killjoy. 

I got off the ring and went to change my clothes. I said goodbye to my trainer, Nahida, before Childe and I went over to my place. We often do homework together and talk about other stuff while doing it. 

"Ugh, why is this so complicated." I groaned and threw my pen onto my desk frustrated.
"Oh c'mon it's not that bad. Look, you just have to use those words given you in the box below." Childe said and pointed at the bottom of the page with his finger.
"Yea I know, but how should I do it when i don't even fucking know what these words or characters mean??" I gave up and put my head on the desk. "Why did I choose to learn Chinese? It's so complicated..." 
"Well, how about you search for someone to help you like I did? *sigh* Zhongli is so good in Chinese.." Childe sighed and seemed to be daydreaming.
"Duh, he can speak Chinese. You talk so much about him I should start to suspect that there is something between you two." 
Childe blinked a few times, but then shook his head. "No.. there's nothing between us." 
I shrugged my shoulders and continued my work. With the help of Childe I finished my homework and immediatly tossed my folder out of my sight when I did.

"Buddy, calm down."
I sighed. "Don't worry I'll go get it." I stood up, picked it up and sat down. "Are you alright? You look like somthing is bothering you." I asked Childe once I sat back down on my chair.

"Actually, yes. You know Venti right? He.. well he texted me earlier telling me what you did to Kazuha was not.. very nice." 
"Hmpf, whatever.." 
Childe opened his mouth to say something, but seemed to have changed his mind and closed it again. 


words: 1156

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