Chapter 9: Happy birthdeath like situation ~part 1~

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"Hey wanna go to the fair with us?" He asked excitingly. I politely refused, saying I was still on my shift. He got a sad look after that so I sighed and told him I would join them after my shift. He grinned and said to call him when I'm over there. I nodded and he walked out of the smoothy bar.

~Time skip~
After a couple of hours, I finally finished.

I was now heading to the fair with my bag, while trying to contact Skeppy but he didn't answer. I sighed and continued walking. As I arrived at the entrance of the fair, I tried calling him again but he still didn't answer.

Then I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. I turned and saw Karl. I smiled and hugged him. "Wooah, hello to you too George" he laughed as he returned the hug. Then we pulled away. "What are you doing here?" I asked and he told me he wanted to have fun. He asked the same question and I responded with "Oh Skeppy invited me to join him and his friends here but I don't see him anywhere"

"Why don't we go in there and search for him?" He suggested and I agree. I didn't want to stay at the entrance anyways.

After that Karl and I went into the fair. The both of us used the moment to get to know each other. Turns out Karl is a very cheerful person, he got rarely angered and was always positive. And I really appreciated that. He also didn't mind me rambling about science and video games. And I really appreciated that as well.

Then we ran into someone we knew. It was Quackity who was playing a game with a friend of his? It looked like he tried to guess the weigh of a prize in order to win it. "I'm telling you it's about 55g" (do the maths) he exclaimed to the worker. And he worker began to weigh the prize box. To the crowd and the worker's surprise it was 55g. Quackity screamed in victory and took the box. He opened it and took a duck plushy out of it. He hugged it tight and when he turned he saw us. His cheeks got red and he stopped hugging it.

"Hey Quackity" Karl greeted while laughing, I followed but just giggled a little. Quackity cleared his throat and began greeting us back. "Alexis, who are those?" The taller person next to him asked. "oh those are my friends" Quackity exclaimed "Guys meet Wilbur, my boyfriend and Wilbur meet Karl and George" he added.

Wilbur waved and smiled at us. He had brown hair with a pale skin and brow eyes. He was tall, very tall around 1m96 (6"5') almost 2m. He wore a yellow jumper (sweater) and some black jeans. He also had a red beanie on. We noticed from his accent that he was british just like me.

But what surprised us the most, was that he is Quackity's boyfriend. He didn't look anything like a troublemaker nor a bad boy. He was handsome and calm.

After a few moments the four of us, mostly Karl, Quackity and I discussed about what we were doing here. We told Quackity we were here to search for Skeppy and have fun. And he said that he was on date with Wilbur. What is going on? Why do I keep going into couples? It's not Valentine's yet.

But that didn't really change anything. So we all started to have some fun and played many games. When most of the time, Quackity and Wilbur would share a few kisses, giggle and tease each other, Karl and I were busy eating cotton candy and winning prizes.

Then suddenly an unknown individual flew in the sky startling people. It was a man who was flying with a jetpack on his back. He was wearing a grey suit and had a gun with stranger purple light coming out of it. He let out an evil laugh before saying "Hello people. Don't mind me just slowly the time over here. I just want the attention of the super zeroes." He laughed louder and began to shoot persons.

People started running and screaming. The ones who got shot were now trying to run in slow motion. The villain was laughing maniacally as everyone panicked.

The four of us were running far away for the villain but a purple beam came from behind us and shot the ground in front of us. That caused us to be separated from one another.

I didn't know where the others went but I had to go to hidden place. Once I was completely hidden, I turned invisible just in case and change my clothes to my costume. Once ready I swung to the top of a cabin. I started looking around and saw the villain flying to the opposite direction of where I was.

Then I also saw two of the heroes I saw yesterday. I swung to them. As I landed next to them, the winged one was aiming at me with his shotgun and the beanie one was threatening me with one his sharp feather. I put my hands up in fear. "Wait I'm not a villain" I exclaimed and they lowered their weapons.

"I recognize you, you're the spider hero from yesterday" the winged one said while giving a big grin. I nodded and introduced myself. "My name is spider-not-found and I'm here to help" I lowered my hand and the beanie one looked at me. "Fine spider boy. I'm Golden Wings and this is Rainbow Angel. The one with armor you saw last time is Diamond warrior but that b!tch is not here" he explained and I nodded comprehending. "So we're gonna stop this villain or what?" Rainbow Angel exclaimed and we all started to run towards the villain.

Now we were near the villain, whose name is Chronos according to my fellow heroes. We were hiding behind a tent as well, trying to establish a plan. "You see that clock attached to his wrist" Rainbow Angel pointed at the small object on the villain's wrist. I nodded. "That's his source of energy, if we managed to get it. He would no longer be threat." He explained. I nodded again.

"Okay here is the plan" We all turned to Golden Wings and listened to him. "Spider boy you can invisible right?" He asked me and I said yes. "Well, Rainbow and I are going to distract him while you turn invisible and get the clock" he explained and I nodded. "But I think you'll need to bring make him lose some altitude." I replied znd the both of them nodded.

Then the two ran to the villain. Rainbow shot Chronos with his shotgun, making him groan in pain as blood poured out his shoulder. The villain turned to them with anger in his eyes. "You two" he said bitterly. "What's up, chronos?" Golden Wings said as he shot sharp feathers at the flying villain.

The villain dodged and growled. "Unfortunately, you two aren't the one I'm looking for? Which means you two are going to die" with that he began to shot a lot of purple beams at them. The two heroes dodged them with ease. Rainbow Angel then flew up and aimed at him from the sky while Golden wings shot his feathers at him from the ground.

Chronos had a bad time dodging their shots and that was the perfect opportunity for me. I turned invisible and began to swing towards him. Then I got on his jetpack, he stumbled a bit as I tried to get the clock. He was very confused but was busy dodging the feathers and colorful beams from the heroes.

Then I got it, I got the clock. I hurriedly got down as his jetpack started to dysfunction. I landed on the ground and turned normal again. I ran towards Golden Wings who stopped throwing feathers at the villain. Rainbow Angel also got down and landed next to us. Chronos growled as he looked at us.

I gave the clock to Golden Wings. And he smirked. "You lost Chronos, we won" he said than throw the clock on the ground. But instead of breaking into pieces, the clock let out a purple wave and I blacked out.

When I woke up I expected to be in the same place. But instead, I was back at the smoothy bar serving a banana smoothy to the 'karen lady' from earlier. "Can't you make it faster?"


That's all for today folks. Sorry again for the long wait. See ya in the next chap!

°^\~°'The life of spider-not-found'°~/^°Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora