Chapter 40 - She's back

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A/N; 5 more chapters to go!!!! I can't believe I've actually almost finished this book. But I already have a sequel in the works 😁

 But I already have a sequel in the works 😁

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Minho's P.O.V

"You really think ambushing would be that easy? You seem to have underestimated the power of the Morelli's, Bang Chan"

My heart pounded in my chest as I hid tightly behind the wall. The ringleader of this whole operation calling out to Chan, once again trying to get to him as I could see Chan clenching his fists beside me.

"We underestimated you? Nah bro, you underestimated us" Chan quickly peered around the corner, shooting his gun and knocking one guy to the floor easily before returning to his position behind the wall.

"I'll give it to you, you're quite good with a gun, but perhaps you'd be better off on our side. All you have to do is hand over Alicia and you and your men can join us as the most powerful group in the country"

"Over my dead body" He answered.

"Yeah not gonna happen mate" Felix added, holding his gun close as Chan raised a signal to hold all positions once more.

I was mostly focused on helping Chan end this, of course I wanted nothing more than to live a stress free life. But in the back of my mind something was truly bugging me. The fact I didn't get a chance to apologise to Jisung for the fight beforehand. Over San out of all people. I should've believed him, then maybe things would've worked out differently.

I watched as Changbin peeked around the opposite wall, none of the men catching sight of him as he noted all their positions, signalling to Chan and the rest of the team where they all were.

This was a massive risk coming here like this, but I too had faith we would beat them once and for all, I just wished I had Jisung here with me too.

"That's a shame, haven't you guys heard? San will be appointed our next leader, he'll be great don't you think? In fact...I remember him saying if you don't take my offer, we get to kill you all"

As the guy finished the last word of his sentence I heard gun shots being fired on the other side of the room, the other team had made their way up here to help us too.


Alicia's P.O.V

As Jisung and I approached the St Lauren's building I couldn't be more ready to storm in there and tear them all apart.

The rage burning through me at them being the cause of my miscarriage, but then also the fact I had been left out and locked away.

Revenge couldn't come sooner.

Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now