Chapter 36 - Traitor

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A/N; surprise update 🙈

SAN APPRECIATION Even though he's a villain in this story we have to appreciate how fine this man is in RL 🤩

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Even though he's a villain in this story we have to appreciate how fine this man is in RL 🤩




Splashing the cool water across my face I caught sight of my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Today was the day everything would finally fall into place. All my hard work would pay off, and I'll finally reunite Liss with her family and become next in line to be the Head of the Morelli's.

So I'd been keeping a secret, a huge secret. Gaining the groups trust was easier than I thought, all I had to do was kill Mingi and act like I saved Alicia, but that guy was an asshole and deserved it.

I've been in touch with a few guys from back home...even Ricardo Morelli himself. Ever since I gained Bang Chan's trust and was given a phone.

I played the part, as long as I had to. But now was the time to finally get my revenge. I was going to return Alicia back to Ricardo, and claim my title.

Bang Chan and his men will all be killed, including Jisung and Minho the traitors.

Suddenly I heard knocking on my door, I quickly grabbed a towel, patting my face dry and clutching onto the towel around my waist before heading over to the door.

"Yeah?" I called, wondering who would be knocking this early.

"Uh yeah, hey San, its Jisung, got a minute?"

Jisung? Why would he out of all people want to speak to me.

I knew he hated me still, out of everyone here he was the one who distrusted me the most. I always had to keep my eye out for him.

"Sure, give me a sec" I answered. Quickly getting some clothes out and putting them on as I threw the towel back into the bathroom.

Unlocking the door I put on my fake friendly smile to meet Jisung's equally fake smile too.

"Sorry, just showered, had to get myself decent before opening the door" I answered, holding the door open to let Jisung inside too.

I could just kill him now, right here and get it over with. But then I'd make it way too obvious and easily end up dead at the hands of the others here.

Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now