Chapter 5 - All Fun and Games

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A/N; I have absolutely no idea what to say in this authors note so....hi.

Pls rail me xoxo

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Pls rail me xoxo


WORD COUNT - 2067-----------------

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"You can't hide forever Alicia"

I hid behind the door, my hand covering my mouth in fear, hoping that he hadn't seen where I'd currently hidden.

My breathing hitched as my heart felt like beating out of my chest. I bit my lip harshly, trying to prevent any slight noise escaping my mouth.

My life was at stake here.

"I always get what I want, haven't you learnt anything from me Alicia? You can't escape me"

I watched as he crept into the room, one hand attached to his gun by his side. His devilish smile plastered on his lips as he scanned the room, aiming to find me.

This was the man I knew as my father. Ricardo freaking Morelli.

But never had I seen him react this way to me. He was like the devil.

"I know you're in here, you little bitch" He spoke again as he paused, right before turning round and looking in my direction. My heart dropping to my stomach instantly.

I tried to run but it was no use, my feet were frozen in place. He has literally scared me to the point I was paralysed.

"You will never take my place, you mean absolutely nothing to me...just a bastard child" He spat as he aimed the gun directly at my head.

I begged him with tears stinging in my eyes to spare me, but the sound of a gunshot tore through the silence with the loudest BANG.

I quickly woke up, my heart pounding, my body shaking. It was all a nightmare.

I was filled with panic and fear, my mind still reeling from the nightmare I had barely escaped.

But as I opened my eyes, I found myself in the arms of Bang Chan, who had heard my screams and rushed to my side in the middle of the night. A sense of relief washed over me, as I reached out, clinging to him desperately, burying my face in his chest while my eyes brimmed with the same tears.

Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now