Chapter 3 - Mafia Rebellion

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A/N; holaaaa, me again.

Ateez just had their show in London and I'm super super bummed I didn't get to go this time. But I will definitely be attending next time!!

Anyone else here Stan them?

Who's your bias?

Mines San 🤤


I groaned as my head pounded continuously

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I groaned as my head pounded continuously.

Was last night even real? Or did I dream that?

I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. I was laid in emerald green silk sheets, in a bed that definitely wasn't mine. The room painted black with a feature wall of that same emerald colour. With a large arch shaped window that headed out onto a balcony.

Nope, so not a dream.

I sat up holding my head briefly as it still hurt from before.

"Finally, you're awake" a voice spoke, startling me.

I glanced over and saw Chan reclined comfortably in the arm-chair next to me. His red shirt was slightly unbuttoned, his locks disheveled and a faint cut near his eyebrow that had yet to heal. In all his ragged glory, he still possessed a magnetic presence, drawing eyes to him like a siren's song.

"Where the hell am I? Why did you bring me here?... did you drug me? I swear I'll kill y-"

"Hey hey slow down Princess, I brought you here for your own safety, your father, you do remember that don't you?

My brain was a little fuzzy but I do recall him saying that my father was planning on killing me? Although I couldn't bare to see any truth in that.

"You're lying. There's no way my father would want me dead. I'm his only child, the next in line. You really think he would stoop that low as to have me killed?"

Chan stood up as he brushed his shirt, smoothing it down as he walked towards the window, taking a deep breath as he looked out into the open. Like he was contemplating his next move.

"You really didn't know?"

"Know what?"

He looked right at me, his face almost expressionless as he spoke the words I never thought I'd hear.

"You're not his daughter, he's not your real father. He knows that, and now he wants you cut off from his life, even if that means killing you"

My heart dropped for a bit, I didn't want to believe the words coming out of his mouth. In fact I couldn't.

Before I knew it I was rushing out of the bed to shove him as hard as I could. My hands pushing him over and over as he backed up against the wall.

"Was this all part of your sick plan? Get me to follow you so you could kidnap me and torture me with a load of bullshit? I want to go home" I shouted as he was quick to grab my wrists to stop me from hurting him.

Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now