Chapter 34 - Wait, What?

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A/N; I'm still so mad that Chan offered a public apology when he didn't need to apologise at all. He made a perfectly normal statement about idols having basic manners and respect when greeting eachother. Smh, we love you Chan, don't ever change 💖

 Smh, we love you Chan, don't ever change 💖

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*While Chan was out*

Alicia's P.O.V

Chan and the others had been gone for around 30 minutes, and already I was beyond bored.

My only company had not even woken up yet, still snoring away yet he promised me a day binge watching our favourite shows. So of course I took it upon myself to go and annoy the others instead, starting with Hyunjin.

"Hyunnieeee, now where's my favourite drama queen when I need him"

Changbin smirked, chuckling to himself as I waltzed into the room, Hyunjin had his back turned to me yet I already knew he was rolling his eyes so hard.

"Busy Liss, where's Felix?" He asked as I looked to Changbin, raising an eyebrow.

"Sleeping, seems like somebody didn't get enough sleep last night" with that Changbin immediately blushed as i tried not to laugh. Of course Changbin knew that I knew too but it was so much funnier hiding it from the others.

"Well I slept great...that was until I had to get up and work. Laaaame" Hyunjin answered, flicking through the paperwork laid out on the desk.

I scanned the papers in front of him, noticing the Morelli name and a few guys that used to work for him.

"What's all this?" I asked, sitting on the corner of the desk, picking up one of the folders which to my unpleasant surprise had a picture of my so called father inside it.

Cringing I quickly put it back down, flicking through the rest of the work.

"It's information we've gathered over the past few months. Known locations, known suspects and targets, the shipments they've had regularly, you know all the important stuff, it seems a lot of them are still hanging out at the mansion you once lived in" Changbin explained as he began to clean the whiteboard, ready to draw on it.

"And you two have been left in charge with the next plan. What will you do?"

"It all depends on what Bang Chan and the others find today. We need concrete evidence of their whereabouts, then we need to plan an attack" Hyunjin also explained further as I nodded, just then I felt my phone vibrate, pulling it out I realised it was a message from Chan himself.

Chan - One hideout down, Morelli men spotted over at the old st Lauren's place, any info from the others?

P.s. I love you

Taste (BangChan) 18+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant