Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"I gotchu." I heard the clattering of the box and then the phone powering on. I listened as I drove hearing Megan calming down my mom and then as she spoke to Mariah and calmed her down. Times like this is when I value my babies the most.

I parked at Backstreet and grabbed my phone. Tiana had texted me earlier, so that I could lock in her number, thank God she had an iPhone so she could send us her location. I opened our text thread and texted her.

:you free?

A couple seconds later she texted back.

Tiana: Yeah he left to go do a drop so he won't be back for a nice bit

:you okay with FaceTiming us? we need your help with something so we can come get you sooner

A few minutes past and she FaceTimed me. I instantly answered and was met with her black screen and shuffling in the background.

"You good?"

She finally set the phone up against something so we could see her sitting on a bed. I felt Meg lean up behind me and I could see her frown in the camera.

"Destiny what happened to your head?"

She sniffled and wipes her remaining tears. "It's nothing, I don't wanna talk about it. You s-said I could help you?"

I took a breath and started talking. "So have you seen Lando talking to two people recently?" I asked.

"Hmm he was talking to this guy and a girl like a week ago. I was in the r-room with them and they we talking about setting up a drive by at a house in the hills..." She trailed off fidgeting with her fingers.

"Are y'all the people they did a drive by on?" She asked softly. I nodded. "Well they were talking about this whole plan but," she looked up at something behind the phone and then looked around her bed. "I don't feel safe t-talking about it here."

I nodded. "Can you pack your stuff? We coming to get you today."

She nodded. "I don't have much. I'm sorry." I frowned. I don't know why but I feel an emotion attachment to her like I do with Mariah and that's scaring me.

"Don't be sorry little bit. We gone get you all set up and talk to you when we come get you." Megan said softly.

She nodded with her head down.

"One of the girls is coming I- I have to go." Before we could say anything else she hung up.

I sighed and Meg let out a breath. She kissed my cheek. "It's gone be okay baby." 

"I feel...connected to her. I don't know why but I do." She nodded. "I do too. I wanna raise her as our own."

I smiled. "I do too. But does she really want that?"

Meg sighed and laid her head on my shoulder. "I hope so."

After a few moments of sitting in a comfortable silence I head shuffling and Di's voice.

"Here's your food, and here's your money." She handed me the duffel bag and Megan the Little Caesars boxes, along with a CVS bag.

"Thank you Monté." She smiled.

"Welcome Ju." I chuckled as she walked back to her car.

"You ready to go get Ti..." I stopped talking when I seen that Megan was really dunking her brookie in the marinara sauce.

"You're definitely pregnant." She laughed and handed my my box of Italian Cheese Bread.

"You okay with having another kid right now?" I asked since I remembered she said she didn't wanna have another kid until Mariah was at least 5. She's 3 right now so having a kid now would definitely cancel all plans she had. I'm fine with many ever kids whenever. Plus we always said at a point we wanted to adopt at least one kid.

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