
Start from the beginning

Your mom smiles putting the package she had been holding down as she sits on the couch. "Has Angelique shown you the day she and Trish met?" She asks this as she reaches out and getting the beer that was by Namjoon she takes a sip and then passes it to him.

Knowing what she wants he smirks. "Jimin got a kiss." But he sips it hurriedly passing it to you at your disgruntled look before you sip as well and as your Mom speaks you sigh as she starts the tale.

I am sorry but for now this has to remain between the three of us.

She sits back getting comfortable. Francisca and I knew each other from high school, Hector and I didn't move to Las Vegas until a year after Graduation but she and I talked on the phone a lot and they would come stay. We were pregnant together and our bond strengthened for it.

She looks between you both as you watch her. A new baby takes up a lot of your time and friendships sometimes take a back seat to having a child. So when Trish was five they moved to Vegas and the girls have been just as close as Francisca and I are.

"It's like it was fate, not just Angelique and Trish. If she hadn't of moved then who knows about some of the matches here."

Your Mom nods and she hands you a white package with a intricate glittered purple bow. "He said he wanted you to have this before you went to bed tonight."

Inside is a blue shimmery silk nightgown, made to go against your body like a second skin. The robe was long and luxurious too and you loved the way it felt against your skin. There was a little button that said push and when you did you heard his voice as clear as if he was beside you.

"I asked your Mother to bring you something. If my hands can't be touching you tonight then this will have to do. I love you so much. I'll call to talk to everyone." And then it cuts off.

Your eyes fill with tears but you smile and play it once more before putting it back in the box and closing the lid. "What did you come to talk to us about?"

She sighs and you can see her getting herself together to speak. "I thought it was right what I did. I only wanted to spare all of you the heartache. But I know now that I was wrong."

She looks between you both and finally she moves closer to Namjoon and whispering to him you watch the change of emotions on his face and the acceptance. "If you say so I'll believe it."

Coming closer to you now she whispers. "What I just told him he'll need to believe for himself. But I'm telling you now when it becomes time for you guys to be together I will have my hands tied with other things and won't smother you. Well much, I'm still your Mom."

I had that nightgown in the first one, it was 2014 and I met this very world wide handsome guy. He handed me this package and said it was for my daughter and that I shouldn't give it to you until your first Christmas together.

She stands and takes Namjoon's hand between hers. "The first time I saw Hector he was walking towards me and my new friend who was starting her first day. We were sixteen and fell instantly for each other."

Namjoon is nodding listening intently as she continues. "The first time I had Angelique at 20, not 21. I was eighteen when I married Hector and almost nineteen when I had Junior."

"Wait Mom I'm sorry but we don't meet our mates until twenty one." Your Mom is shaking her head. "The elders agreed and it is fixed now."

Both you and Namjoon look at her and he is about to speak but when she hands him a cookie he grimaces before eating it and passing it to you. The minute you start chewing like Namjoon the mint chocolate cookie opens up a flood of memories and you know what your Mom is saying is the truth.

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