• Eleven •

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"It wasn't her fault."


Rhea was pissed. She was angry at dear ol' grandad who tried to kill them all, she was angry at the damn Furies and their stupid threats, she was mad at the Fates for making everything go so horribly wrong. But she couldn't be mad at those things, she couldn't scream at them, she couldn't relieve her frustrations at them. You know who she could yell at? Percy. 

She was angry at the boy, she knew he meant well when he stepped in the fight, but they didn't need him. She didn't need him. What good was she if he had to step in the second they faced danger? She wanted to show the Furies who she was and what she was able to do. She wanted every monster in the world to know that she wasn't one to hesitate when killing them, so what kind of message was Percy sending when he stepped in? That she was weak. And Rhea Gray refused to be weak.

But as always, Rhea didn't want to be angry. She hated it. She was tired, she was hungry, and she just wanted to sleep and wake up the next day to continue the quest. She didn't want to be in the woods in the New Jersey riverbank, especially when the terrible smell of the Hudson River was filling their senses.

A shivering Grover spoke with a quivering voice, "Three Kindly Ones. All three at once."

"Come on!" Annabeth tried her best to keep their spirits up, "The further away we get, the better."

Rhea pushed her lips to morph into a some-what smile, "I agree, Annie. We'll get out of this stinky, stupid forest, we'll go to the city or whatever, we'll get that dumb bolt back and everything will go great, am I right? Yes? Fantastic."

"All our money was back there." Percy reminded her, "Our food and clothes. Everything."

With each word he spoke the girl became more annoyed. Couldn't he see that she was trying her best to cheer them up?

"Did anyone ever tell you that you can be very depressing to be around?" she said with a sour expression.

"I'm not being depressing. I'm being realistic."

"Gods, why do you have to retort to everything?" the girl muttered exasperated, "Just shut up and keep walking. If it was up to me you'd take that negativity and shove it up your as-"

"Rhea." Annabeth sent her a pointed look which made Rhea look down.

Silence surrounded them as the group kept walking towards the darkness. After a few minutes, Rhea decided to speak up, desperately wanting to relax the atmosphere.

"I was right, by the way."

Percy turned to her, "About what?"

"Your ugly ex-math teacher had glowing tomatoes for eyes."

The boy chuckled at her words, Annabeth and Grover doing the same.

It might've been the exhaustion that was starting to get a toll on them, but one by one they started laughing until they had to stop walking to lean onto each other so they could stay standing. Annabeth cackled madly as she leaned her head on Grover's shoulders, the satyr resting his arm over her shoulders in a loving manner.

Sunset // Percy Jacksonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें