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"Godly parents"


They showed Percy around camp suprisingly quickly. Mainly because he wasn't asking any stupid questions. Actually, he was barely talking at all, too focused on the previous conversation about his parents that Rhea had interrupted.

They got to the canoe lake, where the nymphs were walking around without an actual destination, just going around flirting with campers probably.

"Look, I get that you have to show me around and all, but can we go back to my parents, please?"

"Fine" sighed Annabeth, who knew they couldn't avoid the topic any longer, "Like we said, Percy, you don't choose your cabin, it depends on who your parent is."

"My mum is Sally Jackson" he said, "She works at the candy store in Grand Central Station. At least, she used to." he finished with a sad expression and his head fell, remembering what had happened to her mother and the Minotaur. 

Rhea clenched her jaw at the way he first thought of her: full of good memories. She envied that because she wanted that. She had been happy with her mom in the past, but it all came crashing down when the Gods decided to see how far her powers would go based on her instinct.

If the instict is survival, it's bound to be destructive.

She felt the urge to comfort the boy, by the way he talked about her, she could tell she had been good to him. She truly hated when good people had the worst fates. It wasn't fair.

Rhea didn't have enough courage to voice any of her thoughts, not sure if they'd come out as comforting or envious. Annabeth, on the other hand did have the confidence to speak.

"We're sorry, Percy. We really are. But we meant your dad, not your mom."

"He's dead. I never knew him."

Rhea sighed, "Parents should really come up with new lies. The 'being dead' one is getting old."

Annabeth poked her arm and Rhea winced.

"Your dad's not dead, Percy."

This made him snap. Rhea didn't exactly blame him, "How can you say that? Do you know him?"

"No, of course not" mumbled Annabeth.

"Then how can you say-"

"Actually, we probably do." commented Rhea, who was thinking of the trip for year-rounders to Olympus, not actually expecting him to hear her. 

He suddenly shut up, and she thought that if Percy had finally stopped talking, that meant he heard her.

"You wouldn't be here if you weren't one of us."

"You don't know anything about me" he remarked.

"I bet you moved from school to school constantly," Annabeth crossed her arms as she started to speak facts, "probably because you were kicked out from a lot of them."

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