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Rhea looked up. A beautiful sunset adorned the sky, filling it with a variety of oranges, pinks, yellows and purples. 

She wasn't really thinking about anything until a raven-haired boy popped up in her mind. The boy who killed a minotour on 'accident'. Percy Jackson, she thought to herself, what a ridiculous name. She didn't actually mean it, but she had been training for years to fight monsters, such as the minotour, and it infuriated her that a random boy who didn't even know anything about the greek gods killed it. It would probably come back from Tartarus in another hundred years, so she wouldn't have her chance to kill it. Not in that lifetime anyway. 

A conch shell sounded in the distance, announcing it was dinner time. She stood up and gave a last look at the sky before leaving towards her cabin. She passed the archery range, where she saw several campers collecting arrows that could be reused for training. The blonde waved at Jake, one of her brothers, who was helping a younger half-blood store a bow back in it's place. 

Rhea had a few brothers and sisters: Lee Fletcher, the oldest, Jenna Zalli, the second oldest (and the one that acted more motherly), Jake Hart, the third oldest, Will Solace, who was in his first year at camp, Michael Yew, who was a year older than her, and Kayla, Jenna's younger sister, who was Rhea's age. The ones that went home for winter or during school terms were Kylie and Jenna, Lee Fletcher and Michael. Will, Rhea and Jake were year rounders, meaning they didn't have a home to go back to.

She kept walking towards the cabin, and Jake jogged to catch up with her.

"Hey Rhe"

"Hey Jake, how you doing?"

"I'm good," he said,"You know what? Chiron thought one of the new campers was a child from Apollo and made him try archery."

"How did that end?" she questiones, too familiar with all of the times that assumption was made and arrows flew acorss camp with no target whatsoever.

"Well... Turns out he was a son of Hephaestus." After a long pause, he added, "And he gave Clarisse a new scar."

"Uh, poor kid," she laughed,"Clarisse is getting payback for that for sure. Who was the poor camper who had to put up with her while they healed her?"

 Jake chuckled, "Kayla."

"I feel bad for her."

"Yeah, I agree."

There were a few seconds of walking in a comfortable silence.

"Jake," he looked back at her, "when's the next inspection?"

"In a week, by the Aphrodite cabin."

The blonde groaned, "Not the Aphrodite cabin," she mumbled, frustrated," you've got to be kidding me. They've got a thing for focusing on even the tinniest details. Like, really, Pollux, from Dionysus, told me they once saw a book opened under the covers of his bed and took away a whole point for it."

Sunset // Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now