• Four •

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"Sea green against fiercy yellow"


Percy and Annabeth accompanied Rhea to her cabin to get some warm clothes so she could change. Once she was inside, she grabbed some spare clothes for Annabeth, as she refused to go to her cabin because of another prank from the Stoll brothers, who had released spiders all around the cabin. Naturally, both brothers were now in the Infirmary, both unconcious, suffering from a few, well deserved, broken bones, as Annabeth had put it.

She went outside and gave the dry clothes to the blonde. Then, they headed back to the bathroom's to change while Percy waited for them awkwardly. Once they were done, they continued with the tour.

People kept stopping them to ask about the bathroom situation, but Annabeth and Rhea didn't say anything, as it was quite obvious that Percy didn't feel too comfortable talking about the topic.

Both girl's hair was still dripping wet, but at least they were wearing warm clothes, which definitively helped Rhea's mood. After the adrenaline was worn off, she would've definitively gotten annoyed for the rest of the day.

They finally made it to the lava wall, one of the last things they had to show him. He looked up at the twenty meter wall, the sun shining in his eyes. 

"Why do they call it the lava wall? Where's the lava?"

Annabeth pointed to the bottom of the wall, where a big pool of boiling lava surrounded the wall. 

"There are also traps all over the wall. You have to be careful where to place your hands, the climbing holds can suddenly break, lava is somethimes thrown from the top... you know, the basics."

He inhaled harshly.

"And... what happens if you..."

"Fall?" Rhea said. He nodded, "Well, you die or get burned, obviously. Campers are only allowed to climb the lava wall once Chiron gives them permission. Only campers that are prepared are allowed, so I bet you won't be going anywhere near it for a while."

"Says who? You? Well I bet you- "

He was interrupted by Annabeth, who tried to avoid an argument.

"Only the ones that Chiron is quite sure won't die." Finished Annabeth on a cheery tone.

"Quite sure?" questioned the raven-haired boy, "Have you climbed it?"

"Yes" replied Annabeth, "A few times. First time when I was ten, so I burnt my arm pretty bad."

Percy turned to Rhea after sending Annabeth a stunned look.

"Me? I've climbed it several times. In two days I'll climb it again." she said with a cocky smile.

He couldn't stop himself from asking, even though it annoyed him immensly knowing the girl enjoyed getting on his nerve, "Why would you even want to do that?"

"Sense of accomplishment? But I think that's something you aren't used to, are you?" she joked.

"Got it. You're cocky."

Sunset // Percy JacksonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant