• Five •

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"To the Gods"


At the dining pavilion, Rhea sat at table seven, next to all her siblings. Lee and Jake were arm-wrestling while Kayla and Michael bet twenty bucks to see who would win. Rhea decided not to, which was completly unnatural from her, knowing the two boys had an equal strength, so it would be a 50/50 chance of winning. Besides, she wasn't risking twenty dollars which she could use to buy a book or save it to buy a new guitarre. That would be stupid.

Then, there was Jenna, who was scolding Kayla from betting, but ended up joining them and bet against Jake, who was younger.

Will just watched them with a grin and Rhea smiled softly.

The conch horn blew again, and Chiron stood up and raised his cup.

"To the gods!"

"To the gods!" everyone in the pavilion repeated, some with more enthusiasm than others.

The nymphs then served their meals, Rhea thanked them before standing up.

The Apollo cabin approached the fire, and Rhea, as always, said "Hestia, goddess of Home, accept my offering."

As usual, the goddess repaid her kindness by giving her a few seconds of peace, when she blocked her powers so the brunnette could breathe and focus on herself, even if it was only for a second.

Her eyes gazed at Annabeth, who was looking in amusement at the Hermes table. When Rhea looked, she found a struggling Percy, who was sat at the edge of his sit because of the Hermes' kids that were laughing and pushing eachother around.

She turned back to her siblings. Lee had beat Jake, so Rhea and Will watched in amusement as Kayla and Michael reluctantly gave twenty dollars each to Jenna, who was smirking triumphantly.

When she looked back at Percy, she found him looking at her, only to turn away when he saw her looking. Rhea frowned. If she focused, she'd manage to sense his feelings from where she was, but there were so many people there that she didn't really think it was worth the headache.

Mr.D stood up wearily, his expression clearly stating he really, really wasn't enjoying himself.

"Yes, I guess I'd better say hello to all of you brats. Well, hello. Our activities director, Chiron, says the next capture the flag is Friday. Cabin five presently holds the laurels."

The entire Ares cabin started cheering. Most campers in the pavilion rolled their eyes or watched much to their dismay, but Rhea smiled and clapped slightly, as she had a few friends in that cabin.

Percy watched her, his frown deepening.

"Personally, I couldn't care less" continued Dionysus, "but congratulations. Also, I should tell you we have a new camper today. Peter Johnsonn."

Rhea cringed as she thought of how embarassed the boy would be.

Campers snickered, but she didn't have the energy to glare at them.

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