56. The French Mistake

Start from the beginning

"So... No angels?" Sam and Elena asked.

Dean looked around. "No angels, I think."

"But that was great!" Bob Singer said.

"...it's not a problem with the stunt," Serge told him. "It's a problem with the... signal."

"Should we be killing anybody?" Sam wondered.


"I don't think so," Dean replied.

"Well, how much did we get?" Bob questioned.

"Running?" Sam asked.

"About half," Kevin answered.

"Where?" Dean and Elena inquired.

"Gets us right up to where they -- Just before they hit the window."

"You know, the part where they hit the window is the good part," Bob commented.

"Well, we can clean up, reset the window, takes about 95 minutes, basically. So, we'd have to blow off the scene where they sit on the Impala and talk about their feelings."

Sam picked up a piece of the 'window', which wobbled back and forth, obviously made of some kind of gel.

"Ha," Bob said. "Right. You answer the hate mail."

"Or we could have them fly at the window, then freeze frame. Then cut to black, act out."

"Freeze frame."

"Um... Yeah. Freeze frame."

"Serviceable," Serge added.

"Fine," Bob decided. "Whatever. Season six. Moving on."

"Moving on!" Kevin yelled. "That's a wrap on Jared, Jensen and Crystal!"

"W-who the hell are-" Sam was cut off.

"Jared! Crystal!" an interviewer called. "Three minutes, okay? Great." She took Sam and Elena by the hands and led them away.

"Where are we going?" Dean asked.

"Jensen, there you are!" a makeup artist said. "Let's just get you in the chair."

""Chair"?" Dean repeated.

The makeup artist grabbed a cloth. "Okay, hon, we're just gonna get this makeup off your face."

Dean frowned. "Wha -- I'm not wearing any ma-" He looked at the cloth the makeup artist had wiped over his face to find it covered in foundation. He touched his cheek. "Oh, crap! I'm a painted whore!"

The interviewer spoke into a microphone. "Trish Evian here with Jared Padalecki and Hailey Clooney from TV's "Supernatural". So, Jared, Crystal, season six."

Sam looked over his shoulder into the set of the panic room and turned back in confusion. "What?"

"You two beat the devil, lost your soul, and got it back again. So tell us, what's next for Sam Winchester and his goddess?"

"Look, I-I-I really don't-" Sam and Elena stammered.

"Oh, and if you could include the question in your answer? Thanks."

Sam laughed nervously and Elena smiled awkwardly.

Dean met up with Sam and Elena.

"Hey," Sam and Elena greeted.

"Dude, Elena, they put freakin' makeup on us!" Dean exclaimed. "Those bastards!"

"Look, Elena and I think we know what this is," Sam said.

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