14. Sex and Violence

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A woman tenderized meat.

Outside the window, a man exited his car. He entered the kitchen and asked, "Hey... What?"

"Ted's kinda cracking the whip, isn't he?" the woman replied.

"You think I like coming home late? I'm working my ass off."

The woman picked up plate of meat. "Okay. Sorry."

The man moved to kiss her temple. "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Long day."

She moved about the room. "Oh hey, I ran into Jill Martin today. Gary's turning 40 on Saturday."


"She invited us to the party."

"What'd you tell her?"

"That we'd go."

He slammed the fridge door. "You're kidding!"

"What? You like Gary!"

"Yeah. That doesn't mean that I want to waste my Saturday night with him."

"I thought you'd want to go."

He spoke angrily. "I don't believe you!"

"It's fine. I'll call Jill and tell her we can't make it." She leaned to turn on lamp. "What's with you tonight? It's like you wanna have a fight or something."

She turned from the lamp as he lifted the meat cleaver over his head. He struck her repeatedly. Blood splattered over their wedding picture.


A man's body was under a blanket in bed. A woman was curled up next to him, under his jacket as there was no couch. Dean and Elena were sleeping.

"Yeah," Sam said.

A truck horn sounded. Dean and Elena woke. They turned to see that Sam was not in his bed.

Sam continued. "Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. No storms, no bad crops, nothing."

Dean and Elena both leaned up on an elbow and watched Sam talk on the phone in the bathroom.

"Yeah, okay. We'll keep looking. You keep looking too, okay? All right. Talk soon." Sam hung up. Dean quickly laid down, pretending to sleep.

Sam entered main room, watching Dean. He poked him with his bathroom bag. "Hey. Up and at 'em, kiddo."

Dean rubbed his eyes. "You're up early. What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I was in the can."

"Yeah?" Dean and Elena replied in a questioning tone before she stretched her arms.

"Yeah. You want me to draw you two a picture?"

"Nah, I'll pass," Dean said.

"Found a job. Bedford, Iowa. Guy beat his wife's brains out with a meat tenderizer."


"And get this. Third local inside two months to gank his wife. No priors on any of 'em, all happily married."

"Ahh. Sounds like Ozzie and Harriet."

Sam smirked. "More like The Shining."

"All right, well I guess we'd better have a look."


"Why does the PD keep sending you guys? I already said I don't want a lawyer," a man said.

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