Uppermoon 3

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"The weak ones are the ones that hide from the upcoming challenges..."


"WAKE UP!" Yelled Kuro to Yuki and Shiro, they immediately opened their eyes and jumped up, Yuki grabbed her mask and put it on as she asked,

"What's wrong?"

"I lost contact with the feather you gave to Rengoku! It's all black, he must have dropped it somewhere!" said Kuro in a panic.

Hearing that, Yuki reached out to a drawer, pulled out a hiking backpack, and wore it for Shiro.

"You know what to do, don't you?" she said as she patted her on the back. Shiro nodded.

"Alright, send us there Kuro." as she spoke, a ring of fire appeared and surrounded them, they swallowed the girl and the wolf then busted into a giant flame, vanishing in mere seconds.

"Good luck on that." muttered the phoenix to himself, "I have a feeling that she's gonna be full devil mode this time Shiro."

Train station...

"I don't think this is where we suppose to be." murmured Shiro, "This is the train station."

"I put two feathers," explained Yuki, she crouched down and looked at the remaining ashes of the first one, "Perhaps Kuro had sent us to the nearest feather, which is this one. He must have dropped it, so that means that..." she trailed off, losing in thoughts.

"He still has the other one," continued the wolf, "We have to get to the train now!"

"Excuse me, sir," shouted Yuki to a nearby train-staff, he looked at her in surprise, "What station will the Mugen Train board on?"

"The xxx station," he replied, "It's at the end of this railway, about 40 minutes train ride from this station."

"40 minutes train ride," muttered Yuki, "Then it'll take us like 25 minutes to get there."

"Miss what are you planning-" Before he could ask her, two white figures dashed into the railway and ran away, leaving the train staff stunned and confused. 

"Meet you there Shiro." Yuki called out to the wolf as she speeded up, "Don't drop the back!"

"As if!"

"Just kidding!" giggled the girl, "Bye!"

"Kids these days." murmured the wolf to herself as she ran down the railway, "Can't understand them."

At that time, Tanjirou's group...

"Good job!" Rengoku praised Tanjirou, who was lying on the ground, trying to stop his bleeding, "Learning to control your breathing is the first step to becoming a Pillar!"

While Rengoku was talking to Tanjirou, Inosuke was charging at the train, trying to free the steersman.

When suddenly, something crashed from the sky, taking both the slayers by surprise when it revealed a demon, but not an ordinary one.

One of the 12 kizuki.

Uppermoon 3.

Not saying any words, he lunched at Tanjirou and would have killed the boy if Rengoku hadn't stopped him. 

Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun

"That's a fine sword." said the demon, smiling, he then licked his hand.

"I can't believe a person like you'd go after a wounded person first." retorted the Flame Hashira angrily.

"The sight of a weakling makes my skin crawl." replied the demon, still smiling.

"Then," said Rengoku, tightening his grip around the sword, "it looks like our senses of value are completely different."

"Why don't you become a demon, too?" smirked the demon, raising its left hand, "I can tell your strength at a glance."

"You're a Hashira, aren't you?" it narrowed its eye.

"I'm the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku," Rengoku responded carefully.

 "I'm Akaza." the demon, named Akaza introduced himself, then he reached a hand out to the slayer, "Become a demon, Kyojuro."

"No matter what the reason, I will not become a demon!" declared the Flame hashira loudly.

"I see," responded Akaza, the demon then stomped his feet down. Rocks and earth flew up under the pressure.

"Technique Development..."

"Destructive Death..."

"Compass Needle!"

said the demon, activating its Blood Demon Art.

"If you refuse to become a demon," Akaza spoke up calmly, "Then I'll kill you."

Just as the words left his mouth, he dashed forward and started to attack Rengoku. Nails and metal met each other, creating sparks of embers that last mere seconds before disappearing. 

"There were never any Flames among all the Hashiras I've killed until now!" shouted Akaza through the noises.

"It pains me, I can't bear it!" he said as Rengoku cut his arm and it regenerated back quickly.

A few more attacks and Rengoku had forced Akaza to jump up in the air, the demon turned upside down and activated its Art,

"Destructive Death..."

He curled his hand into a fist and hurled it down at the hashira,

"Air Type!"

It seems like the pressure of the hits he made in the air had forced it to fly at Rengoku, the demon laughed in pleasure, but this just made the slayer angrier,

Flame Breathing: Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation

The slashes shielded him from the air that was created by his opponent, three times he did it, and three times he was saved. But Akaza only laughed.

In a mere second, the Flame hashira had appeared in front of the Uppermoon's face, he nearly, nearly succeed in cutting off its neck, only if the demon hadn't dodged it.

"His reaction is so fast!" thought Rengoku.

Now the battle was hand-to-hand combat, the demon punched while the hashira slashes, Tanjirou could only watch in amazed,

"They were so fast I couldn't keep up!" thought the burgundy.

"...and these breathtaking skills will be lost, too..." the demon shouted to his opponent while still fighting.

"Kyojuro!" taunted Akaza, "Come on, give me your best shot!"


Taisho Secrets:


Word count: 902 words

(im too lazy to watch the rest of the video though, will watch the rest tomorrow


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