The Crow Master

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"Oh god." I thought as Shiro pressed her pelt closer to me, we both knew that this is going to happen but I was not ready for this.

"Yuki, I know I've asked you many times but," Kagaya smiled, "Will you join the Corp as a hashira?"

Instead of answering him, I crouched down and whispered to Shiro,

"Girl, what do you think?" 

She glanced at the slayers and grunted, 'I think there's another job for you, it suits you more than this'.

"I would like to decline the offer." Turning back to Kagaya, I bowed down, "However that doesn't mean that I won't join the Corp."

"Explain it please," he told me.

"I will join the Corp, but not as a hashira. For I've heard that the Corp is looking for a slayer who can look after and train crows and birds to be Kasugai crows." I looked into his eyes and slowly added, "I wanted to occupy that position, as a Crow Master."

To my surprise, he agreed happily but added, only to me,

"If it's not too much then will you also be a hashira? You can think about it, no need to rush."

"I'll think about it." I told him, "If it's ok then can I leave now?"

"Yes, you can. I'll send a kazuki to guide you to your estate."

I thanked him, then left, following the kazuki toward my new soon-to-be home. Shiro silently trotted beside me, she kept glancing at the kazuki suspiciously while Kuro perched on my shoulder, he kept silent for the whole journey, which means that he was lost in his thoughts.


Finally, after like two hours of walking (which is normal for me), we reached our destination.

"I'll be taking my leave." said the kazuki nervously, "There will be someone inside that will explain all of it to you."

"Thank you." I dipped my head in response as she left.

I pushed the door open, it sounded like it haven't been used for a long time as it creaked heavily.

"Woah, this defiantly needed some repair." Thought I.

"Hello, you must be the new Crow Master." a voice spoke up behind me, causing me nearly jump up in surprise. It turns out to be an old man, he was wearing a black haori with red feather patterns and was leaning on a walking stick.

"Um, hi?" I spoke up nervously, "Yeah, I'm the new Crow Master."

"Then hello, you can call me Ruji, and I'm a Crow Master, well a former one." He laughed a little, "I'll show you around the estate and explain to you how this works, then you have to figure it all on your own, the rest of it. But I think that you have already known the major information, which leaves us with the minor ones."

As we started to walk around the estate, he explained that there are three types of Kasugai crows, newbie, intermediate, and passed. Newbies are the crows that are training to be Kasugaigarasu, intermediates are the ones that had passed the exam and are usually used for normal slayers while the passed are the ones with high scores in the exam, or they have high intelligence or experience.

"We usually trained crows, but sometimes other kinds of birds too, like sparrows," Ruji told me, I remembered that the yellow haori boy had a sparrow, so it must be from here.

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