The Answer, the Truth

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"The answer, the truth, that's what I'll tell him..."


Waking up from her sleep, Yuki groaned as her mask slid down from her face. She fixed it, hiding her eyes behind it. Shiro was still sleeping peacefully, her muzzle facing the wall as her chest went up and down rhythmically. Gently petting her silky white pelt, the girl left the room quietly without making any noises. As the sun slowly made its way into the sky, all of the windows and doors except the main one were opened, letting the cool morning air make its way into the estate, the Crow Master's estate. 

"Kuro is still not here." Peaking into the empty library, she thought, "Better clean up the library before he came."

And that was where Shiro found her half an hour ago, 

"You do realize that you have got to know the crows before you train them, right?" Narrowing her amber-golden eyes, she scolded.

"Yeah, yeah calm down." Murmured Yuki as she washed her hands in the pond in the garden.

Then they made their way to the training area, where all of the birds were waiting.

"Uhm, hi?" Yuki waved at them, "I'm Sakura Yuki, the new Crow Master and I hope that we will succeed in doing what the master wanted us."

"Now," clapping her hands together once, "I wanted you all to start introducing yourselves, it'll make it easier for me to work with you."

Starting from the pass to the newbies, they introduced themselves and howled their names in some cases.

"It's ok," she said every time that crow realized its mistakes and dipped its head in ashamed, "It's ok to make mistakes, you're here to learn and I'm here to train you."


After some hours of flying, practicing speaking and agility, Yuki spotted something that interested her, a white falcon among the dark, black pelts of crows. Whistled at it, she beckoned with her finger for it to come.

"What?" huffed Shiro as she noticed what Yuki was doing, "Falcon among crows, that's stupid. We both knew that falcons can easily get distracted while doing things like this."

The falcon perched upon a low branch of a tree, it stared at Yuki and Shiro in nervousness.

"Hi, I don't notice you at the introducing." Yuki smiled at the falcon, "What's your name."

"U-um, my name is Taki, that's what Ruji-sama called me." said the falcon, named Taki.

"Alright Taki, so Ruji must have adopted you huh?" Yuki looked at the falcon, placing her hands on her hips.


"Why aren't you a Kasugaigarasu?"

"Because," the falcon hesitated a little before answering, "Every slayer I served sent me back, they complained that Kasugaigarasu had to be crows, not falcons. In the end, Ruji-sama decided not to send me out anymore, he thought that it was best to just trained crows."

"That's nonsense." huffed Shiro, "Now I don't have any more respect for that old man."


"Sorry..." apologized the wolf.

Yuki sat down and closed her eyes, she thought a little before she told Taki,

"How about you become my Kasugaigarasu?" she suggested, "I have a phoenix but he prefers being beside me, but I will also need a messenger and I don't like crows a lot, to be honest."

Lone Wolf (KnY x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя