Recalling Memories

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"Thank you and make sure to come back again!"

Said a man as she walked out of the ramen shop, the girl glanced at the sky, now turning into a beautiful purple color of twilight, she sighed and swiftly walked towards the mountain, where her companions were waiting for her.


"At this time, the same day, 4 years ago..." Yuki thought, "I and Kaori were talking about Breathing Styles and something else, what was it?..."

Reaching the bottom of the mountain, she slowly made her way up, her mind buzzed with thoughts,

"Ah, we were talking about how special am I, and how I can master different kinds of Breathing easily."


"You know, you're very special," said Kaori to her little sister, a 4-year-old Yuki looked up from her book.


"Yes, you are indeed very special," Kaori replied, still smiling, "As I said, there are quite several people that can master different Breathing styles, but they can only master a few forms instead of all, but you," She hummed, "Can master all of the forms with ease, just by watching them perform the moves once and that's enough for you."

"But you can do that too, don't you?" Yuki argued, now turning her attention back to her book.

"No, I needed 5 or 6 to fully understand them and about a month or two to fully master it. Yet I can only master about 1 to 2 Breathing Styles with full forms." Kaori gently told her little sister, and she patted her on the head, "One day you'll understand what I said..."


Yuki glanced up at the sky, now getting darker as she climbed the mountain, another memory dashed in, and before her eyes, how she had become like this...


"R-run," Whispered her dying sister, blood oozing out of her wounds, "T-try to get some help d-down the v-village, p-perhaps there m-might be slayers there that can help us."

She couldn't remember what happened next, only to know that her 4-year-old version had run at fast as they could, reached the village, and begged the slayers to help her, she couldn't remember how the slayers had reacted, only to know that they have argued either to help or not, and in the end they ignored her pleads, nor could she remembered what they had said, but one line had carved itself into her mind for years,

"Ignore them! We have more to save, and our lives to save too! Why waste it over a person that will surely die and a kid?!"

She could remember what happened next, her anger, her heavy footsteps as she dragged herself to the house where they lived, where the Sakuras had lived for years, and her sister's last words upon hearing the story.

"Then b-be o-on your o-own, r-remember I u-used to told you t-that a l-lone wolf will trust no one? T-then be one then," her sister started to breathe rapidly, "I'll be with you, every time, trust me..."

And just like that, she's now an orphan, alone with only her wolf and her sister's Phoenix to be friends with, she knew that the villagers pitied her, as they always talked and gossiped behind her back, and sometimes gave her food and stuff. But only one cares, her name is Ryutaro Himeri, and she always came up to Yuki's house to help her clean the house, or either to comfort her. The little girl did enjoy being with the older woman and saw her as her second older sister. Everything was going fine, until one day...

"Yuki-chan, I'm getting married soon." Said Himeri, looking at the little girl with warm eyes, "And I wanted to give you this before I go."

The older woman gently placed something in Yuki's palm, she opened it to reveal something familiar to her.

"Your sister's hairpin, she gave me one last year, and I thought you might want it, since now everything that belonged to Kaori's is yours, eh?" Himeri smiled as her eyes twinkled with happiness, "Don't forget me Yuki-chan!"

Finally, Yuki reached the little cottage on the mountain, where she temporarily lived now,

"Hello, Shiro." Said the white-haired girl, patting a wolf with the same color pelt, their eyes are alike, though Shiro's eyes are more amber-color. The wolf whined in delight as now her master returned.

"And hello to you too, Kuro." A black raven, pelt darker than the darkest night, gently landed on her shoulders. Kuro, the Shadow Phoenix, his eyes shone with compassion and loyalty. The phoenix nudged her at her neck, signaling that it was time for some sleep.

"Right, don't worry I know." Yuki nodded, as she walked into the cottage, she told the raven, "We will leave the next morning, for Yutaki Town, there might be demons there, is it?"

Shiro nodded, Yuki sat down on the floor, and removed her half-kitsune mask, revealing a pair of tired extraordinary golden eyes.

"I'll get some sleep, wake me up if there's trouble, ok?" Murmured the tired girl before she drifted to sleep.

In the dead of the night, one could hear a misery howl of a wolf, which wanted to say a story of itself but couldn't.


Taisho Secrets:

- The owner of the ramen shop was very happy because Yuki gave him a huge tip.

- Kuro most favorite thing about Yuki is that she likes to pet him or clean his feathers.

- Shiro is often jealous of Kuro, thinking that he is Yuki's favorite (he's not)

- Yuki loves to be alone with the two of them, since those two are the only one that fully understand her.

Lone Wolf (KnY x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя