A/n (2)

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Hello! If ur reading this then we wanted to apologize for not updating, well tbh we kinda stuck at the next chap, but that doesn't mean that we will dis continued or drop this, we're just simply trying to get this problem fix, and will prob get back quite soon ^^

anyway, since you guys might be kinda confused about who wrote what, then imma give you this list:

Recalling Memories; Sakura Yuki; An Incident (first half) is Jez's

A Meeting with a hashira; An Incident (second half); Tanjirou's Trial is mine (Flora)

There's also another way to identify us, by looking at how we wrote, Jez is usually quite business like and can be calm, soothing while mine will be childish, funny, and can be hilarious.

And thx a lot for supporting us ^^

Lone Wolf (KnY x OC)Where stories live. Discover now