The Ship Is Sailing

Start from the beginning

Ren: are you two okay?

(y/n): we're fine.

Jaune: are you sure? You're both red and panting like dogs.

(y/n): I said we're fine now leave us alone!

Nora: did something happen?

Pyrrha: nothing happened.

(y/n) got up from his bed and went out of the room.

Ren: can someone explain the hole in the wall?

Pyrrha: it was (y/n). He got angry and punched the wall.

Ren sighed.

Nora: so what really happened here?

Pyrrha: nothing happened.

Nora: you wouldn't be blushing that hard if something didn't happen.

Pyrrha got up and followed (y/n). Outside, (y/n) bumped into Velvet again.

Velvet: I'm sorry for what I said.

(y/n): we're done.

Velvet: what since when?

(y/n): it was done the moment you left the room. I realized our relationship wouldn't have worked. But that doesn't mean we end on a bad note.

Velvet: I understand.

The two hugged and she left. (y/n) leaned against the wall still reeling from the kiss.

(y/n): what is this feeling? Is this what being in love feels like?

Ruby: hey (y/n).

He quickly snapped out of his trance.

(y/n): hey Ruby. What's up?

Ruby: I came out to get some water. What are you doing out here?

(y/n): I just broke up with Velvet.

Ruby: really? How are you taking it?

(y/n): pretty well. It didn't end horribly but it did hurt a little.

Ruby: well I know a perfect ice cream place that can take your mind off her.

(y/n): it's okay.

Ruby: well don't forget you have friends who can help you.

She walked away and (y/n) suddenly felt something grab him from behind.

(y/n): where did you come from?

Pyrrha: I can stop time. To you, I move instantly.

(y/n) smiles a little.

(y/n): the night is still young. What do you want to do?

Pyrrha: what was that ice cream place Ruby talked about?

(y/n): I'll ask her.

He walks away and heads to team RWBYs dorm.

Yang: hey (y/n). Ruby told us about you and Velvet. How are you holding up?

(y/n): pretty well. Is Ruby there?

Ruby walked up to the door and saw (y/n).

Ruby: hey (y/n). What's up?

(y/n): I wanted to know where that ice cream place is.

Ruby: oh you want me to take you?

(y/n): just tell me where it is.

After Ruby told him where it was, he walked to the exit and saw Pyrrha waiting for him with a duffle bag.

Shall Never Surrender (Nero male reader X Pyrrha)Where stories live. Discover now