A New Beginning

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"Naruto wake up." Sakura waited for a respond to come from upstairs but as always nothing came. This was to be expected as he always came home so late busy and tired from work that Naruto could not be woken up on time the next morning. Her husband had a knack for always being late to things he had done that since they were kids. Naruto had regularly shown up late to their meetings as team 7 while always finding a lame excuse to support his lateness but he could not afford to be late today. Today was a very special day as the 5 kage were to gather together in hidden leaf village to discuss and plan the upcoming chunin exams that were to take place about a month from now.

The Kazekage, Mizukage, Raikage and Tsuchikage were about to arrive later today and are supposed to be greeted by her husband, Naruto Uzumaki the hokage who was still probably hugging his pillow while drooling over it like it was Ramen.

"Jiraiya can you please go and wake up your father. When you're waking him up do make sure to remind him that he's supposed to meet with the kage's today."

"What seriously that's today? And dad is still sleeping in his bed shouldn't he be out of the house by now?"

"Come on big brother let's go wake up Daddy!!"

"Hey Hiyori wait for me!"

Naruto Uzumaki was having a wonderful dreaming. He was dreaming that he had found a hidden life time supply of ramen in a cave just a top a mountain that was a little ahead of the village. Naruto did not want to share the location of these hidden ramen so he made sure to guard it with his life. He then made about a 100 shadow clones to transport the ramen outside of the cave in one go.

"Hey dad wake up already will you?!"

"Daddy today's your big day so you need to get up right now."

Jiraiya then had a brilliant idea that would make his father wake up in one go. He pulled out his cellphone and played the recording that he had saved of his mother screaming at his father.


"Whoa whoa I'm up I'm up." Naruto woke up in a sudden panic and confusion. He had no idea why he was getting yelled at by Sakura but he wasn't dumb enough to continue sleeping after that. As he sat up straight from his bed, the sight of his two children came into view.

"Oh hey guys, what are you two doing here? And where's your mom?"

"Dad, mom has been trying to wake you up for the past 40 minutes but you wouldn't budge. I mean isn't today the day you meet with the other kage? Shouldn't you have already been outside of the house by now?"

After hearing what Jiraiya had said, a sudden rush of panic came over Naruto as he quickly checked his alarm clock, 8:50 am.

"No no no, I'm late late late late late, why didn't you guys wake me up earlier?! The kage will arrive by 2 but there is so much to prepare I should have been in the office by now I bet Shikamaru is losing his mind right now."

"Dad we all tried waking you up but you just don't budge when you're sleeping. This is why mom gets mad at you because you always find yourself in this situation."

"You cheeky kid" Naruto grabbed Jiraiya and lifted him of his feet while constantly tickling him.

"Hahah da-haha dad wait that's not- hahah"

"Daddy I wanna be in the air too!"

"Well here you go" Naruto now had both of his kids on his shoulders as he headed downstairs to face the wrath of his wife.

"Naruto just how many times do I have to tell you? Stop working so late so you don't sleep in every day and end up being late to the office. You're already really late so eat your breakfast and quickly go."

"Hey no good morning kiss? You know I can't do my best work if I don't get my morning kiss from my beautiful wife who I get to see every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep."

Sakura then brought her face closer to his and wrapped her arms around his neck while giving him the thing he yearned for the most every single day.

"There that good enough? Now eat quickly I'm getting worried at how late you're gonna be today."

Naruto was dumbstruck for a second as this happened every morning but he still couldn't keep a clear head whenever his wife kissed him because Naruto had always loved Sakura more than anything in this world. Ever since he was a kid and he laid eyes on her Naruto could not get this girl out of his head. Being on the same team, sharing meals and hanging out everyday was the peak of his life and he did not expect anything more because after all everyone knew Sakura Haruno only had eyes for Sasuke Uchiha and no one else. All of that changed after Pain's attack on the hidden leaf village when Sakura had called out his name in desperation and he had responded like he always did. He was there for her whenever she called out to him and he was there for her whenever she needed him to save her or be a shoulder to cry on. Sakura's plea and Naruto's answer to that plea made their fates intertwined to one another. She finally saw what he wanted to show her all this time and she realized that chasing Sasuke was something she only did to spite Ino but Sakura had ended up mistaking that competition for love and things had gone too far, Sasuke had gone too far for her to reach him and she did not want to reach him not anymore. From that day Sakura did not want to reach Sasuke but rather she wanted to stand beside Naruto as his equal and his lover. If she could not match his strength then she would become his strength and give him a reason to always push forward, remind him that he wasn't alone because someone always believed in him and his dreams.

After a minute Naruto returned back to his normal self and quickly ate his breakfast. He then got ready to leave the house and turned around at the entrance to say goodbye to his family.

"Well see you guys tonight, I'll try not to be late today."

"You won't try Naruto, you will not be late tonight understand?"

"Yes Ma'am" god his wife was still as scary to him as the day he met her. Naruto would much prefer it to battle Kaguya again rather than to get his wife angry.

"Well dad see you tonight then."

"Little punk so you have reached that age where you're to cool now to hug your old man huh. Well come here both of you." He grabbed both of his children and pulled them in for a hug before releasing them and exiting the house.

"Well I better get to the office right away." Naruto then teleported right in front of the Hokage's office.

"Your late Naruto."

"Yeah yeah I know Shikamaru."

Part 1 ends here:

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