Chapter 22 - Versus

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Hello everyone! I bring you a new chapter with an electric face-to-face 😊Enjoy and please feel free to tell me your feelings! Your theories, ideas etc.

Happy reading!

Chapter 22 - Versus

"Princess!" Panicked a Toad soldier as he stormed into the throne room currently occupied by Princess Peach, Toad General, her loyal advisors and a panoply of Toad builders. All gathered around the interactive central table to debate the next directives for repairing the kingdom, they were surprised by the guard's interruption.

"What's all the fuss about?" Toad General summed up in his big, deep voice with a sneer in the direction of the intruder apparently on the verge of collapsing.

"B-B-B-B-Bowser! There he is! And he wants to see you right away!" He stammered nervously once he'd arrived in front of the large table. Breathless, he leaned forward almost losing his big metal helmet.

"How?! Bowser's here? Prevent him from reaching the princess at all costs!" The general immediately ordered with a wave of his hand, calling the soldiers in the room into action. But before anyone could make the slightest move, the doors of the palace opened with a bang, and the fearsome figure of the King of the Koopas appeared.

Accompanied by four guards and the blue-robed Magikoopa, the imposing fire-breathing turtle calmly made his way towards the princess and her Toads, who were panicking at his menacing appearance. Each of his long strides shook the ground. The guards at the gate fainted, while others hid behind the stunned princess. The general and the builders took a few steps back, intimidated by Bowser's stature and fearsome, emblematic stare. He always made quite an impression! Peach was surprised, to say the least, to see him back here, having never expected him to return so soon after taking another beating from Mario and Donkey Kong. Frightened but quickly regaining her courage, the princess straightened up with a defiant frown when the big spiny turtle stopped a few yards from the table and raised his arms with a wide, mischievous grin.

"Princess Peach, how we meet again..." King Koopa quietly declared with a touch of irony in his baritone voice.

"Guards!" Toad General immediately exclaimed, straightening his rectangular glasses as the more valiant guards cautiously approached Bowser to threaten him with their blunt halberds. They trembled as Koopa slowly deflected the tip of a spear to the side, inwardly satisfied with instilling fear in their hearts.

"I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome from you. You'll never cease to amaze me!" He mocked cheerfully with a shrug, plunging his amused gaze into Peach's furious one. The huge stained-glass window at the top of the steps let in the sunlight, which brought out the golden highlights in her blond hair. Then she finally beckoned the guards to stand back, to everyone's surprise.

"If this is another proposal, know that the answer is still no! And it always will be!" She replied coldly, chin raised in defiance.

"Nothing of the sort, rest assured princess. I'm no longer interested. I'm here to offer you an alliance in exchange for which, I promise I'll never touch your kingdom or any of your precious Toads again." Replied the tall smiling King, ignoring Kamek's puzzled gaze to his left to focus on skeptical Peach who took a few steps back in distrust.

"You don't lack nerve. Your promises are worthless! And I know what I'm talking about." She said with a growl after crossing her arms, her big blue eyes crinkling wickedly at the manipulative turtle. What right had he to enter her castle without invitation!

"Maybe in the past, but this is different. I intend to take the kingdom of Time. With Cranky Kong's army, mine and yours, we will triumph over this fallen King and free the galaxies from his grip." He suddenly revealed with a weary gesture of his hand before losing his small smile to adopt a darker expression when the princess retorted with a hiccup of surprise.

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