Chapter 12 - Explosion

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Hello all, I wish you a good reading!

Chapter 12 - Explosion

Bowser Junior woke up with a start. His wide black eyes immediately fell on the clock facing his four-poster bed after it suddenly stopped ticking. Not being used to sleeping in absolute silence, this change had alerted him directly. So much so that it filled him with terror. As he stared at the clock with flames carved into the mahogany wood, he could feel his little heart racing unnaturally in his chest, stealing a groan of discomfort. He didn't know why that clock suddenly scared him so much, but the more he looked at it the more uncomfortable he felt, until he decided to get up. Throwing his red blanket aside with a wave of his arm, Junior jumped out of bed and landed right next to his maid's little basket.

To find it completely empty.

The white blanket was neatly folded over the blue pillow. Cinder's pajamas were also folded and placed next to the untouched water bowl where he had placed one of his stuffed animals to keep her company and keep her from having another nightmare. Kneeling down next to the basket, the little Koopa puzzled by the absence of his servant pulled the blanket to find the pocket watch underneath. Oddly enough, she never left it before... With delicacy, he caught the golden chain between two fingers then brought this watch in front of his muzzle. Contrary to the clock comtoise, this one worked perfectly well. Dubious, Bowser Jr tilted his head to the side while he examined this pretty pocket watch that seemed to come from another era nevertheless well preserved.

"Cinder?" Called the young turtle softly while looking around at the empty room.

Then his little black eyes fell on the window of his room which was wide open. Underneath, a large pile of toys reached the windowsill. A light breeze blew into the room and puffed up the red curtains, bringing a little freshness in this eternal furnace. How could he not feel that breeze? But hearing the last tick of the clock was not a problem! Slightly grumpy at this realization, Junior left the pocket watch on Cinder's bed and headed for the open window on the west side of the evil castle. Climbing over the pile of toys that had been made while he was fast asleep, the Koopa managed to stand on the ledge to see nothing but the usual lava and infertile land.

Then suddenly, the realization hit him hard. His eyes widened in amazement as he hurried down from the pile of toys to reach his bedroom door at the speed of light. Hurry! He had to hurry before it was too late! Why hadn't he thought of that earlier? Cinder had run away, she had abandoned him... She had gone out the window while he was sleeping. That was his first explanation for the unexplained absence of his maid when he woke up and ran down the stairs two at a time, screaming for his daddy the whole way. Terribly worried and feeling somewhat betrayed, Bowser Jr. rushed down the halls in search of his daddy.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" He shouted again and again until he finally reached the basement without running into him. But where was he in the end?

Junior's hurried footsteps suddenly stopped and then his brow furrowed as he heard voices coming down the stairs leading to the training room. He recognized Kamek's voice, his father's voice but also Cinder's pretty voice... Oh, so she hadn't run away? Instantly relieved but also annoyed at having woken up alone, the little Koopa walked calmly to the massive door. With his fists on his hips, he glared at the door before pushing it open with all his might to make his entrance known. This cut off all interaction between the three characters present. Bowser Junior entered the room to find that Cinder was sitting in a chair on the left side while his father and Kamek were role-playing. With Magikoopa dressed as Princess Peach, Bowser was dressed in his white top hat.

"Junior? What are you doing here?" The woman immediately worried with a frown at the appearance of the prince who looked like he was about to explode. She hadn't slept much all night and was almost falling asleep in her chair when little Koopa had appeared. This loud exclamation brought the King and his advisor out of their respective roles.

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