Chapter 13 - Change

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And here is the next chapter!

Chapter 13 - Change

From now on, Cinder alternated between Bowser Jr and Bowser. Every day, she had to satisfy both turtles with new ideas and advice. Not being a full-time servant since the King had recruited her as a seduction advisor, she had to leave Junior behind to fulfill her mission. At first, little Koopa had a hard time and regularly threw tantrums when she had to leave for the basement, but most of the time she managed to reassure him by suggesting a future activity they would do together. He really wasn't a difficult child. It was enough to understand his loneliness. Whether it was painting, building, playing games or just spending time together talking, he liked almost everything she suggested and rarely grumbled.

He had finally accepted that from now on she had to do two very distinct jobs and that she would not be as available for him as he used to be. Reluctantly of course, but it wasn't as if they had a choice... He didn't hold a grudge against the human anymore, however, it was a different story with his father. Junior often confronted him about his disagreement with the new arrangement, but Bowser didn't care about his opinion. He was the adult and the Boss! He made all the decisions, whether he liked it or not. Junior had lost his exclusive rights to Cinder, but she was still his servant when she was done with him. A particularly difficult rhythm of life was set up for the young woman who never let herself be discouraged.

Spending much of her time in the depths of the castle, Cinder did her best to provide guidance that she felt offered a better approach. She worked mostly by instinct. Away from perpetual threats, closer to benevolence. This was not necessarily to the liking of the King, who preferred to use intimidation to get his way. For him, playing on fear and making threats at every turn had a more direct impact on decisions. Having experienced this several times during his reign of terror, it was difficult to change this view of things, but Cinder remained determined to help him. To prove to him that, no, the World did not work by blackmailing only.

Over time, she learned to decipher the angry Koopa and then to understand how he worked. His character being very complex, his reactions were sometimes unpredictable... However he never let himself be defeated. This combativeness impressed her because even if he systematically took refusals of the princess, he continued to hope that she will end up changing her mind one day. She admired him, he had a good side that was coming out more and more. He may have been ruthless and devious, but he also had a great capacity for love as he trained every day to become better in Peach's eyes. And she applauded his many efforts even though deep down he would always be the same power-hungry Machiavellian King... Cinder was well aware of that.

The proximity with Bowser did not bother her at all. On the contrary, she enjoyed being in his company when he wasn't threatening her or trying to burn her alive for a yes or a no. Stubborn nevertheless, listening to his advice which he always ended up applying, the big Koopa made her less and less afraid while he showed this other side of his personality. Aside from his plan to invade and dominate worlds, Bowser was a surprising creature when it came to expressing his feelings. A sentimental big guy who dreamed of a happy wedding for eternity at the side of a princess... Contrary to the tough-guy reputation he had built up over the years.

"When we unite our kingdoms through wedding, I will raze the lands to the ground to create a world in our image! I will crush all those who oppose it, lock up the rebels and destroy our common enemies with our mighty army! For you, Princess. I will be capable of anything, even the best." Declared Bowser with one hand on his breastplate, the other holding the fragile little fingers of the princess in the pink dress. With an enticing smile, he leaned closer to the latter voiceless, surely enchanted by his natural beauty and his incredible charm.

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