Chapter 6 - Discovery

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Chapter 6 - Discovery

The days went by and Cinder got used to this new way of life quite easily. Most of the time she was running after Bowser Jr. who was a really capricious child ... Not to say cheeky. He made fun of the guards they passed in the corridors, climbed up wherever he wanted, played nasty tricks on the cooks... He threatened everyone as soon as someone had the audacity to refuse him something. Apparently, this child king was overprotected by his father because he didn't hesitate to complain to him to get his way, even if the situation was unfair, like for example poor Koopa who had accidentally pushed him while they were playing hide and seek. From now on, he would crisscross the barren lands with the other Dry-Bones who had paid the price for justice gone wrong.

Cinder had better not upset him, or she risked the same bad experience as those unfortunates. Always doing her best to satisfy Bowser Jr.'s need for attention, she sometimes became exhausted after a full day of playing games that required a great deal of energy. Until now, she had managed to find good excuses to change the activity to something a little less exhausting. Painting on canvas! Apparently, the hyperactive young Koopa had an appreciation for art, so they could spend hours drawing all kinds of pictures. Cinder also had the right to paint, this activity relaxed her a lot while she often drew her interpretation of the world. Not having seen much of the outside world, she could only illustrate the last planet she had visited before Bowser's shadow took her away.

As for Junior, he preferred to draw imaginary characters often accompanied by him and his father waging war against neighboring kingdoms. Constantly depicted in super-sophisticated prototype machines, Bowser Jr. recreated explosions as he almost systematically decimated portions of the local population. This kind of drawing made Cinder uncomfortable and she couldn't help but wince at the realism of his drawings. It is true that he was a child with a lot of imagination, but from there to make this kind of representations... She really did not want to find herself in the place of the mushroom characters on the canvas! Was it really the desire of his father? There, illustrated on his paintings? Or the own interpretation of a child? Curiously, Cinder would lean more towards the first hypothesis after experiencing Bowser's wrath.

In several days of servitude to the young prince, she had only met the King of the Koopas twice in his castle. The first time, she'd shaved the walls so as not to risk bothering him with her presence, but it seemed Bowser wasn't interested in her at all, as he walked right past her without so much as a glance. Not even a profane threat, nothing. The big turtle had just been passing by that day however Cinder had noticed that he was completely absorbed in his thoughts, so much so that he paid no attention to anyone. Having made herself small to avoid the slightest contact, she had waited for him to move away to look at his spiny shell with perplexity. He ignored it but she was certainly not going to complain about it, at least she did not risk anything or not much! It was perfect thus. On the other hand, she wondered about the strange attitude the King had adopted, why he seemed so distracted suddenly ...

The second time was a few days later, after the castle had begun its descent into unknown territory. Bowser had received quite a beating... She didn't know who he was fighting, but one thing was for sure, the fight must have been particularly violent considering his injuries. It was also the very first time she had seen his face down. Almost dejected as the big Koopa had crossed the hallway to his room while looking at the floor, shoulders drooping. It made her heart ache to see him so dejected, even though he didn't deserve her pity or any form of empathy after all he had done.

Well, to say that she was safe was a big word when you were the servant of a child who was very temperamental, and who always wanted to have the last word. At every turn. That meant every day was a real ordeal, despite all the games and other fun activities. Bowser Jr. had only thrown two tantrums and each time she had managed to calm him down by offering to tell him stories. But this little trick couldn't work forever... One day or another, he would get tired of her, and she dreaded that moment. Because over time she had made a true friendship with the child Koopa who had not only saved her life, but also offered her a roof with a bed and food every day. Was he as bad as his father? Probably not, just too spoiled with way too much power for his young age.

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