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He put the car in park and killed the engine, dropping his hands into his lap. They curled into fists and Lanzhan clenched his jaw. What the fuck was Qingheng-Jun doing Here? How did he even know Lanzhan was Here? For one fleeting moment, he wondered if Xichen had tipped him off. But Lanzhan knew that He had cut their father off years ago. So how?

He looked over at Weiying. “Stay in the car.”


But he was already stepping out into the night, slamming the door behind him. His father watched him with flat, cold eyes as Lanzhan stalked across the driveway.

“What the fuck are you doing Here?” Lanzhan demanded to know, glaring up at his father.

“Hello to you too, son,” Qingheng-Jun said coolly. “I see you haven’t grown any manners since I saw you last.”

“I was thirteen, the last time you saw me,” Lanzhan bit out. “I’ll ask one more time: what the fuck are you doing Here? You shouldn’t be Here.”

Qingheng-Jun looked back at the building. “This was my house once.”

“Not anymore,” Lanzhan hissed. “You need to leave.”

Qingheng-Jun glanced back at him, clasping his hands at his waist. “I hear congratulations in order. I understand that you just got married.”

“That’s none of your business,” Lanzhan snapped. He took one step closer to him. “I don’t know why you’re here, or what you want, but you need to go. Now.”

Qingheng-Jun chuckled. “Wow. I know things aren’t exactly well between us, Lanzhan, but I’ve come a long way. You could at least invite me in for a drink.”

“Not happening,” Lanzhan said. “I don’t know why you’re here, or how, and I really don’t give a shit. But you need to leave, now.”

Qingheng-Jun stepped down off the porch. He leaned around Lanzhan to look at the car, his lips twitching into a cold smile. “He’s pretty. I heard he is the hottest Omega of Jiang's Clan?”

“Qingheng-Jun.” Lanzhan’s voice was strained as he tried to reign in his anger. He hadn’t seen his father since he was a kid, since the trial. Since everything happened. “Leave. Now.”

“Or what, Lanzhan?” Qingheng-Jun looked at him.

“I’m not a little kid you can push around anymore,” Lanzhan told him.

Qingheng-Jun appraised him. “You’re right. You’re not a kid.” He cocked his head. “I know all about what you’ve done, Lanzhan. I’ve kept tabs on you and your brother. You're a whore of a mother, too.”

“Watch it,” Lanzhan growled.

“I know that you married that Omega to save your own ass,” Qingheng-Jun told him, his voice dripping with confidence. “So you wouldn’t get deported.”

“No,” Lanzhan said, shaking his head. “You don’t know anything.”

“You don’t need to lie to me,” Qingheng-Jun said. “I’m proud of you. You’re looking out for your own self-interest. It’s what I’d always wanted for you and Xichen, until you guys turned your backs on me.”

Lanzhan stepped closer to his father, seething. “ We turned our backs on you? No. You abused us. You abused Mom. You did this to me.” Lanzhan waved his hand at his back. “You’re a shitty father, and a shitty person.”

Qingheng-Jun tutted in disapproval. “Your mother poisoned you against me.”

“No. What you did to me—to all of us—that’s on you,” Lanzhan said coldly.

MY ONE & ONLY OPTION ( Wangxian Rom-com)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now