Chapter 18

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More guests arrived that afternoon. The rest of the day passed smoothly as everyone worked to finalize the last wedding details. Madam Yu was a little miffed when Lanzhan and Weiying told her that they wouldn’t be needing the dance lessons, but she was appeased when Lanzhan told her that he would be teaching Weiying himself. 

Although He seemed to be avoiding the dance lesson. He had three days to get the steps down, but each time they had a moment of downtime where Lanzhan tried to suggest heading upstairs to practice, Weiying found something else to occupy Himself with. Lanzhan wondered if He was afraid that He would screw it up or not get the steps down, or if there was another reason behind His hesitation.

But finally, after dinner when everything was winding down, there was time. Lanzhan took Xichen, Meng Yao, and Lan Qiren back into town to stay at the hotel there after the meal. Granny took His own friends there as well, as there was a shortage of beds at Song Lan’s House. 

When he got back, Weiying was helping His mother and Xiaochen clean up in the kitchen. Huaisung and Jiang Cheng were already starting to get the catering for the wedding going, and Lanzhan took a moment to appreciate their dedication to this, even as the guilt settled in his gut.

But it didn’t stop him from sidling up behind him and sliding an arm around his waist as he dried dishes next to His mother. He looked up at him, surprised.

“What’s up?” Weiying asked as He looked up at him. 

He gave him a pointed look. “I feel like you’ve been avoiding me.”

A rosy blush rose in His cheeks and He dropped His gaze back to the plate in His hands

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A rosy blush rose in His cheeks and He dropped His gaze back to the plate in His hands. “Avoiding a dance lesson, more like.”

Madam Yu gave His a reproachful look. “You’ll never get it down if you don’t learn it, Weiying.”

He huffed out a breath of air. He didn’t need His mom to lecture His. “I know, Mom.” 

“You better get to it, then,” Madam Yu remarked. She gave Her son a half-smirk. “We’ve got the rest of these dishes. Try not to crush Lanzhan’s toes, will you?”

Weiying rolled his eyes. “ Mom .”

“And you might want to practice in your shoes, too. They’re in a white box in my closet.”

“You’re all the worst,” Weiying muttered sourly as He irately set down the plate and dish towel. 

“You’re going to do just fine,” Lanzhan murmured reassuringly in His ear.

Then he walked away, and Weiying scowled first at his retreating back, and then at His mother, who only grinned cheekily at His and waved Him away. With a sigh, Weiying followed Lanzhan upstairs to their bedroom.

“Shouldn’t you grab your shoes like your mom suggested?” Lanzhan inquired as he arched his brow at His.

Weiying narrowed His eyes on him. “I am not coordinated enough to try that yet. I think we both know that.”

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