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Lanzhan spotted Weiying’s family immediately. They were impossible to miss, and Lanzhan knew exactly where Weiying  got his looks from as soon as he laid eyes on his parents. He had his dad’s hair and eyes, but his face and smile just like his mother And the young man standing with them could only be Weiying’s brother—he did not look just like him.

The second thing he noticed about his family was that they were tall . Lanzhan wasn’t short by any means himself, but he could already tell that her father and brother were even taller as he was. 

The brother—Jiang Cheng—waved at them enthusiastically, as if they could possibly be missed. “Weiying !”

Weiying  looked over at Lanzhan. “Ready or not, here we go.”

Lanzhan grabbed their suitcases and the two of them disembarked the ferry. They made it onto the dock and then Weiying ’s family was meeting them. Hid father embraced his first in a bone-crushing hug that Weiying  returned just as enthusiastically. 

“Jiang Fengmian, you’re suffocating him.” Madam Yu smiled at his son when Jiang Fengmian set Weiying  back on his feet. “Come here.”

Weiying  hugged his mother next, and then he was swept off his feet by Jiang Cheng, who swung him around before playfully threatening to dump him off the dock, the ends of his hair trailing into the choppy water. 

“ Jiang Cheng!” Weiying  shrieked. “Put me down! We are getting too old for this shit!”

“Aw, you’re no fun.” Jiang Cheng set him back on his feet. “Good to see you, bro.”

“You too. Where’s Huaisung?” Weiying  asked.

“Oh, he got caught up in work stuff, but he’ll be by for dinner later.” Jiang Cheng glanced over at Lanzhan. “Who’s this?”

Weiying  turned to Lanzhan, who was standing back rather awkwardly. He beckoned him over and when he was standing beside him, Weiying  grabbed his hand with his left, making sure to show off the ring.

“This is Lanzhan,” he said. “My...fiancé.”

For a moment, no one said anything. Jiang Fengmian, Jiang Cheng, and Madam Yu stared at Lanzhan and Weiying , and the two of them stared back. Lanzhan could feel his heart pounding in his throat and if someone didn’t say something soon, he thought he might explode. Is this how Weiying  felt when he met my mom and Xichen? Lanzhan wondered.

Then Madam Yu broke the silence. She stepped forward with a kind smile. “It’s good to meet you, Lanzhan. I’m Madam Yu, Weiying’s mother.” 

To his surprise, she embraced him. For a moment Lanzhan stiffened, unused to physical affection from anyone but his mom, uncle, or his brother, but then he relaxed and offered her a quick hug back. Madam Yu stepped back and appraised him, her warm smile never faltering as she took him in. 

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Lanzhan said. “Weiying  has told me so much about you.”

Jiang Fengmian offered his hand and Lanzhan shook it. “I’m afraid we can’t say the same about you.”

“We couldn’t tell anyone because of work,” Weiying  explained quickly. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but this wasn’t exactly something I wanted to tell you over the phone.”

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes as he eyed Lanzhan. “Wait. Lanzhan? Lan Wangji?Like your boss?”

Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian looked at them expectantly, and Weiying  nodded. But before he could offer an explanation, Lanzhan spoke up.

“He was my assistant,” he said. 

“Oh,” Madam Yu said.

Jiang Cheng nodded slowly. “Hmph.”

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