Kirishima hummed, hugging his knees.

Mina continued, "Like, even though everything looks the same it's just...not. I don't know. It feels like I dreamt the whole thing. But, I know I didn't. I fucking hate this, man." She hugged herself, "Not only that but it always feels like someone is just watching me. I can't stand it."

Kirishima huffed, "Mineta?"

Mina unwrapped herself, rolling her eyes, "Probably."

Kirishima shook his head as he pushed himself up off the floor, "I still don't get how he's still even in this school."

"'Cause Japan doesn't care about its girls."

Kirishima winced, "I'm sorry."

Mina watched him for a moment before shrugging. "It's whatever. There's not much I can do about it," she said, getting up from the bed. "Yet."

Kirishima slipped into his shoes and opened the door for Mina. Kirishima tapped his pants pockets then let the door go. "Shit. Wait." He jogged to the hamper and pulled out his pants. He dug through them and pulled out a set of keys. He jingled them as he dropped his pants down in the hamper. "Okay, now. Sorry." He closed the door behind them, glancing at Bakugo's dorm room door.

They stepped into the elevator. "Uraraka says they're at the front," Mina states, scrolling through her text messages.

"Of the school?"

She shook her head, "Dorms."


The elevator dinged and the door opened.

"Um," Mina goes.

"Did you not hit the button?"

Mina scrunched her brows, "No, I did. Look."

Kirishima looked at the buttons, seeing the 'lobby' button glow. He turned to the floor they were welcomed to. He looked down his hallway and at his dorm room door, "Not so perfect after all."

"Guess not," Mina muttered. She inspected the buttons, clicking the 'lobby' button. When it didn't glow, she clicked it again. Then again. Then again. Then again. Until finally the buttons of the floor they were on glow disappeared and were replaced on the 'lobby' one. The doors closed and Mina sighed. "Two days was too fast."

Kirishima nodded.

The two met the others. They greeted each other and headed out to the hospital.

"Are you guys getting them anything?" Asked Midoriya.

"We were actually talking about that," Kirishima said. "We don't know. Should we?"

Uraraka spoke up, "It wouldn't harm anyone." She looked up at Kirishima, "We could say it's from the class."

Mina walked closer to Uraraka, hooking her arm with hers. She looked at Kirishima, "We should do just that." She went back to Uraraka, pulling her forward from the guys and whispering in her ear. Uraraka pulls away, eyes wide at Mina.

"Oh my god! Yes!" She unhooked their arms and grabbed Mina's hands instead, keeping her pinky lifted. "I thought it was just me!"

Midoriya placed his hand on Uraraka's shoulder, "What happened?"

"Someone is watching us!" Uraraka responded.

"What?" The boys exclaimed.

Iida snapped his head back, "Where?"

"Wait," Kirishima brought up a hand, "You talked about this before. You feel someone is watching you?" The girls nodded.

"We should report this," Iida suggested. "Are they doing anything else? Touching? Have you noticed any changes in your room?" Iida paused, "Besides the fact it is not that same room. Is there-"

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