Jimmy Fallon (short)

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Jimmy: "So, it was like a competition??"

*jimmy was referring to them both proposing, the same night*

Cate: "Yes, and I technically won because I proposed first!"

Annie: "That's cute, you think that. Jimmy, let me tell you what also happened that she's leaving out"

Cate: "No no, I don't think he's interested in that"

Jimmy: "No, I mean for the record I'm interested. Are you guys interested??"

*The crowd screams, cheers, and claps*

Annie: *Smirks at Cate*

Cate: *Smirks back, rolling her eyes*

Annie: *Leans in closer to Jimmy*
"So, when Cate proposed... I was so taken back, right? I mean, I really was not expecting it. Do you know why?"

Jimmy: *Leans in* "Why?"

*The audience laughs*

Annie: "She completely stole my idea. I was going to propose that night!!!"

Jimmy: *Jaw drops, looking at the audience*

*The audience boo's Cate (jokingly)*

Cate: "No no!! I didn't know it! I didn't know!" Cate says defensively, red in the face.

Annie: "Yeah yeah, to be fair she didn't know but... that's why I wasn't expecting it! So, naturally when she proposed I was speechless. I was ready to be asking the questions, not answering!!"

*Narrows her eyes at Cate*

Cate: "Yeah, but I was clever... I beat her at her game"

*The audience laughs and claps*

Annie: "No no, don't change the subject"
*Annie points at Cate, getting ready to tease her*

Cate: "No, I don't like this topic. Let's talk about climate change..."

*The audience laughs*

Jimmy: "No, screw climate change...I'm at the edge of my seat. What happened??"

Annie: "So, when I was speechless... Cate took that as me not knowing how to say no or just saying no. SHE DIDN'T GIVE ME ENOUGH TIME!! So, she walked away, all embarrassed and cussing!!!"

*The audience let's out a bellowing laugh*

Jimmy: *wheezes*

Cate: "Can you blame me?? I mean honestly!!! You ask a person to spend their life with you and she just looks at you like 👁️👄👁️. I mean??? Wouldn't you take that as a no??"

*Audience continues to lose it*

Annie: "Yes, in her defense... I did stare for a while!!"

*Annie and Cate laugh*

Cate: "Yeah, like 20 minutes!!"

Annie: "Oh my God, it was not 20 minutes"

*The audience laughs*

Cate: *Looks at the audience*
"Yeah, well it felt like it"

Annie: "So when she walked away, I ran after her and she wouldn't stop no matter how many times I yelled. So, she finally turned around and I like threw myself on my knee so she'd know THAT is what I had planned on doing!!"

*Audience laughs*

Jimmy: *Smiles and looks at the camera*

Annie: "So, she said yes!!! And here we are..."

Cate: "Yeah, I actually answered my proposal, she left me on read"

*Audience laughs*

Jimmy: "That... is quite the story" *Smiles*

Cate: *Grabs Annie's hand and smiles*

Annie: "It's... us... it's so very us"

*Audience awes and laughs*

Jimmy: "Okay, ladies and gentlemen... the happy couple!!!"

*Audience cheers and yells*

*They go off air*

Jimmy: "Thank you both so much for coming tonight"

Cate: "It was our pleasure, Jimmy. Thank you for having us"

Annie: "It was so nice meeting you! I had a lovely time!"

Jimmy: "I'll have you guys back soon! Have a good night!"

*They exited the stage*

Cate: *Grabs Annie's hands*
"Take me home"
*Cate smiles sweetly*

Annie: "You've got it, my Queen"
*kisses her on the cheek*

Later in the car....

Cate: "You did a great job for your first show"

Annie: "You think?" *lays her head on Cates shoulder*

Cate: "mhmm" *Kisses Annie on top of the head*

Annie: "This is fun... being married to you"

Cate: "I'm surprised no one knows yet, honestly"

Annie: "Me too" *Annie looks up at Cate*

Cate: *Gazes into her eyes*

Annie: "I would marry you every day if I could"

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