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"It's a wondrous thing how the wild calms the child" -Unknown

   Thud!! The front door slammed shut. The sound of little feet running filled their ears. "MOMMY MOMMY!!" A small voice shouted. "There's my girl!!!" Cate held her arms open wide. The small, blonde child ran into the Australian woman's arms, nearly knocking her over.

   Cate kissed her head seven or eight times before the girls little hands started pushing her head away. "Mommy!!" She wined. "How was your stay with daddy? Did you play in the snow?" Cate looked at her wide eyed. "I did!!!! Daddy worked for a long time but when it was late, he took me and it was dark outside" Edith shared.

   "He took you out in the dark??" Cate asked enthusiastically. "Yeah! He was done working when it was dark but he promised me he would take me out. I told him and he took me out" Edith continued. "That was very nice of daddy! Did you say thank you?" Cate asked.

   "I said thank you and I gave him a hug" Edith smiled ear to ear. "That's my girl!! That's right! Daddy was probably very tired but he still made time for you. He loves you very much. We both do! You're our girl!" Cate hugged her. "I missed you!" Edith changed the subject.

   "I missed you too sugar" Cate kissed her head again. "Edie... do you remember Miss Annie?" Cate asked, the girl completely unaware she was standing right there. To be fair she didn't notice Carmen either.

   "Yeah! I love Miss Annie! She's my favorite teacher" Edith smiled. Cate pointed behind the little girl towards Annie and looked at her. Edith turned around quickly. "MISS ANNIE!!!" Edith shouted and ran into Annie's body, hugging her legs.

   "Hi, Edie bug! How are you??" Annie got down to her level and gave her a hug. "I'm good!! I missed you Miss Annie!" Edith said, not letting go. "I missed you too lady!" Annie pet the girls head. "Guess what?? Miss Annie is staying with us for Christmas!" Cate said excitedly.

   "Really????" Edith looked at Annie. "Yep! I'll be here and guess what??? I heard Santa got you some really awesome presents!!" Annie smiled from ear to ear. Edith jumped up and down clapping her hands. "This is going to be the best Christmas ever!!!" Edith danced.

   "Go unpack your stuff sweetie, we're going out with your brothers in a bit" Cate informed. "Are we going to the park???" Edith asked, wide eyed. "If you can show me your listening ears today, I think we can do that!" Cate reasoned. "They're on! They're on!!!" Edith ran upstairs with her bag. The sound of little feet running up the steps, filling the house, making Cate and Annie smile.

   "Guess I'm chopped liver!" Carmen joked. "Around her, we all are!" Cate pointed at Annie. "Please!!!" Annie smiled awkwardly. "She was Edith's favorite teacher!" Cate smiled. "All she did when she got home was talk about Miss Annie" she put her arm around Annie.

   "She was a pleasure. The feeling was mutual" Annie smiled. Cate gave her a loving look. The door opened again. Roman and Iggy came through it. "No, I told you Mr. Beast is cringe. I'm not watching that" Roman said to Iggy. Iggy sighed and shut the door.

   "Hey boys! In here!" Cate announced. "Mom, tell him the YouTubers he watches are stupid!" Roman rolled his eyes. "They aren't my cup of tea but they are not stupid. If that's what Iggy likes, he is entitled to that opinion and you're entitled to yours but we don't make others feel bad for theirs. Remember??? Come on! You're a big boy!" Cate put her arm around Roman.

   Roman rolled his eyes and smiled at Cate. "Missed you mom" he kissed her cheek. "I missed you more" Cate squeezed him tight. "Mom, is it okay if I play PS5 tonight with Jackson?" Iggy asked. "After dinner, that would be fine yes" Cate approved. "Playing Fortnite?" Roman teased. "Maybe I am! So what??" Iggy got defensive. "Boys!!" Cate glared at them.

Roman stuck his tongue out at Iggy. Iggy narrowed his eyes at Roman. "Four year olds. I have four year olds" Cate rolled her eyes. The boys started to walk out of the kitchen. "Wait wait!!" Cate motioned for them to come over. "I want to introduce you to Annie. Annie this is Roman" Cate motioned to him.

"Hello! Nice to meet you" Roman held his hand out to shake. "Nice to meet you Roman!" Annie shook his hand and smiled. "This is Ignatius" Cate motioned to him. "Hi Annie, you can call me Iggy" Iggy smiled devilishly. Annie could see his orneriness. "Hi Iggy, nice to meet you!" Annie waved at him.

"Annie will be staying with us for Christmas. She was Edie's teacher and she's mommy's..." Cate stopped herself. "I'm mommy's friend also. We got very close when she was in the States" Annie saved the situation. "Honestly, you're my best friend" Cate smiled at her sweetly. Annie smiled back, blushing.

"Mom doesn't have a lot of friends" Iggy teased. Cate smacked his shoulder. Iggy shot an ornery smile, laughing at his mom. "I... I don't. I like a small circle!!! What can I say??" Cate rolled her eyes. "That's okay, I'm the same way" Annie smiled at Iggy. "You're perfect for each other" Iggy did the same eye roll Cate does. "You're sassy, just like your mom" Annie laughed.

"He's... you can say that" Roman said sarcastically. Iggy smacked Roman. Roman hit back, they almost knocked the vase off the table. "Outside if you're going to fight!" Cate scolded. They mocked her when she turned her back. Annie and Carmen laughed.

"What?!?" Cate turned around glaring at Annie, narrowing her eyes, then over to Carmen. "Nothing!" Carmen and Annie said at the same time. Cate rolled her eyes again. "Those things are gonna get stuck there!" Annie laughed. "Good! I need them there with you all" Cate laughed heartily.

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