A First

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"Families don't have to match. You don't have to look like someone else to love them" - Leigh Anne Tuohy

   Christmas Eve came and went in a blink. The children unwrapped their presents, cheered, and jumped. Annie got to see the excitement in their eyes as they unwrapped the gifts she got them. Each one loved what she purchased.

   When the children dispersed to play with their new items, Cate sat on Annie's lap. She handed her a spiked cider and her gift. "Merry Christmas, darling" Cate kissed her head. Cate noticed that Annie got that same excitement in her eyes the kids had earlier. This made her have butterflies. It was just absolutely endearing, seeing her experience this holiday for the first time with the innocence of a child.

   Annie started carefully unwrapping the paper. "Oh, just tear into it!!" Cate yelled, in suspense. Annie did as told and ripped into the paper, throwing it next to her. When she opened the gift, it revealed a gold bracelet with an inscription that said "Sunday Love". Annie felt herself tear up and just flat out started crying.

   "Oh, sweetheart" Cate held her close in her arms, Annie grabbing onto her tightly and sobbing on her shoulder. "You... oh, Cate!" Annie said overwhelmed. "Just wanted to give you a little reminder that you are everything to me. I know what that song means to us... and I... well, if you're okay with it... I was thinking... could that be our song?" Cate tucked Annie's hair behind her ear.

   "I would love that. I wouldn't pick anyone else. You're everything and all I could ever dream of. I love you, Cate. So much" Annie kissed her. "I love you, dearest" Cate said in a husky voice, Annie getting lost in her beautiful blue eyes. They were so sincere and loving. Deeper than the deepest part of the ocean. They pulled you in, as if they had their own gravity. They intoxicated you, more than anything ever could. They had this power, this magnetism... they were the most beautiful thing that Annie had ever laid eyes on.

   She lost herself, every time she looked in them but a good lost... a lost that made her never want to be found again. "You're staring" Cate smirked, calling her out of her thoughts. "Only because you're so nice to stare at" Annie blushed. "You're not so bad yourself" Cate winked with both eyes.

   "Here!!" Annie got up and handed Cate her gift. Cate blushed and looked up at Annie. She pretended to shake it, and listen for what's in it. They both laughed. "Open it!!" Annie said impatiently. "Patient, my pet" Cate lifted her chin with her finger, looking at her devilishly.

   Annie blushed at her new nickname and the way it was used. Cate pulled out a portrait. It was a portrait of her. It was beautiful! The way the artist captured her was incredible and the detail. Cate marveled over the picture silently, speechless. "Check the signature" Annie smiled. "Annie!! You did this??" Cate looked at her dumbfounded.

   "I did" Annie bit her lip, looking at Cate, waiting to see what she had to say. "This is phenomenal. I've never seen anything like this. The way you captured me... Annie, this... this is extraordinary! I didn't even know you were an artist??!" Cate had tears in her eyes. "Far from an artist but I'm pretty private about it" Annie smiled bashfully.

   "You shouldn't be. This is fantastic... I really mean that. You have a talent. You... you really outdid yourself. Annie, I'm actually speechless" Cate couldn't take her eyes off of the piece. "Thank you. I drew it after we spent our first night together" Annie looked at Cate lovingly. "You mean?? After the first day we met?" Cate was shocked to say the least. "I did. After the first day" Annie laughed at herself. "A bit creepy maybe..." Annie laughed again.

   "No no, not at all" Cate smiled, looking at her finally. "I just.... I knew then, you were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen or ever will if I'm being honest and... I felt inspired" Annie touched Cates face and lips. Cate let out a sigh. They leaned in and their lips met, passion and forest fires sparked.

   "Wow wow wow" Andrew threw his hands up, walking in the door. "I'm sorry, ladies" he began to walk away. "Don't be, you're allowed to be here" Cate laughed. "I got you something!" Annie jumped up and grabbed Andrews gift. "You did??? I didn't get you anything! Now I feel like a complete ass" Andrew laughed.

   "Don't worry, I got it for you because I wanted to. I don't expect anything in return" Annie laughed along. Andrew pulled out the new tie and smiled. "This is my favorite shade of green. How did you know?" Andrew smiled. Andrew looked at Cate suggesting she had told her. "It wasn't me! I haven't seen it until right now! This was her!" Cate put her hands up. "It just looked like you, I can't explain it!" Annie laughed.

"You have a gift, I think" Andrew looked at her sincerely. "Oh, and what's that?" Annie giggled. "You... you see people" Andrew grabbed her hand and smiled at her. "You do, you know" Cate smiled lovingly. "You guys..." Annie blushed. Andrew pulled her in for a hug. "Thank you. It's lovely" Andrew whispered and patted her back. "You're welcome" Annie said patting his back.

"Well... I'm gonna hit the hay!" Andrew joked. "What'd it do to you?" Cate winked. "Ha ha... decades later and still so funny" Andrew joked back, sarcastically. Cate stuck her tongue out at him. Annie laughed at the two adult children. "Goodnight Andrew!" Annie shook her head. "Goodnight Poss!" Cate hugged him. "Goodnight ladies!" Andrew smiled and headed up the stairs.

"Well, I'd say this Christmas turned out pretty well. What do you think?" Cate smiled at Annie and sat next to her. "I would say it's definitely a memorable one. One I think the kids can hold with them forever" Annie smiled. "You think?" Cate held her hand. "Absolutely. It was beautiful!" Annie rubbed her thumb across Cates hand.

"And what about you? How was your first Christmas??" Cate smiled widely. "It was... it was just as I've always imagined it. Full of love and surrounded by my family" Annie looked into Cates eyes. "I like being called your family. Has a nice ring to it" Cate blushed. "It does, doesn't it?" Annie blushed as well.

"A last and a first" Cate smiled. "A last and a first!" Annie repeated. They held their glasses up, clinked them, and toasted. "To new beginnings and to ends" Cate smiled. "Here here" Annie and Cate drank the remainder of the liquid in their glass. They stayed up and listened to Christmas music from the 50's/60's.

They danced in the living room, joked and laughed. It was so romantic and felt like a Hallmark movie. Even though those movies are only geared towards the heterosexuals and Caucasian people... they still have a wholesome air to them. That's what it felt like, Christmas. It felt wholesome. It was filled with magic and love. Annie belonged, finally.

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