The Thing About Loneliness

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"The best things in life are spontaneous, because they are sincere"
-Effie Adelaide Rowlands

   Annie's doorbell buzzed

   "Who is it?" Annie buzzed down. She could've slapped herself. "Uhrm... it's a... it's the boogy man. Get ready to dance" Cate replied cheekily. "Go home" Annie replied sarcastically. She immediately buzzed her up.

   Annie heard knocking at the door

   Annie opened the door

   Cate stood there holding a bottle of wine, a purse, and a burlap tote bag. "I brought more wine. You stated 'a bottle of wine', meaning singular... so I brought another" Cate replied holding the bottle up, like it was Simba from The Lion King. "Planning to get drunk Mrs. Upton?" Annie asked poking fun.

   "Well, the kids are away... so?" Cate shrugged. "Also, it's Cate. Not Mrs. Upton. Not Mrs. Blanchett. Don't make me have to take extreme actions here, Miss" Cate said, motioning, as if to say she would spank her. Annie blushed. She knew Cate was joking but the idea of being struck by someone like her... whew! Was it getting hot in there?

   Cate caught on to the brunette blushing. This made her smile. "I was only joking. Let's crack one of these open!" Cate said making her way to the kitchen. Annie cleared her throat. "Which one first?" Annie asked, letting her guest choose.

   "Looks like you've already poured us some!" Cate pointed at the glasses Annie poured, as she made her way to the kitchen. "It seems, I did. I forgot." Annie laughed, blushing even more, sticking her tongue out and crossing her eyes.

She was trying to cover up the fact that she was totally thrown off her game. She also was trying to hide the fact that she was seeing this as a "game". Cate was married and Annie intended on respecting that. Besides, she had her daughter in class. Aside from the obvious, it would be highly unethical to show any signs of attraction!

It'll go away, these kinds of thing's usually did. Then, after the crush goes away, Annie usually gets a great friend out of it. She was hoping this to be the case with Cate. Aside from the physical attraction to her, her personality was unlike any other. She felt so comfortable around her. Where Cate and Annie were right now, in this moment, usually took months to get at with other friends of hers and that had to mean something!

   "Room temperature. Good girl!" Cate winked and turned her back, looking at Annie's wall art. Annie took a moment while the blonde wasn't looking to compose herself. She did her breathing, calmed her body, and grabbed her glass.

   "Clemente?" Cate pointed at the art on Annie's wall. "Yes, this is my favorite piece. It's called 'Conversion To Her', I got this print from 'The Art Institute Of Chicago' a few years back" Annie stated. "His work is so interesting" Cate said, focused on the piece. "I could get lost in it forever, it's one of my favorite pieces" Annie explained. "Yes, I can see why! It's extraordinary" Cate remarked, still staring, wine glass in had.

   Annie stared, admiring Cate. The way she pursed her lips, furrowed her brows. The way she tapped her index finger over her bottom lip. She was lost in thought. Annie was lost also. Instead of taking the chance to admire her favorite art as she normally did, she took her chance to admire a new work of art, standing before her. Living art. Femme fatale.

   Annie forced herself out of it before the blonde could notice her, and she nearly spilled her wine. She poured too much in. She has a bad habit of that. She quickly took a large sip, to get hers to where Cates was. Cate didn't waste time, her glass was nearly empty, only about two drinks left. Whereas Annie was a sipper, she drank hers slow.

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