A New York State Of Mind

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"Freedom in any case is only possible by constantly struggling for it"
-Albert Einstein

***** Warning- Light Smut *****

   Cate got up in the middle of the night, around 3 AM to call Annie as she did most nights, now. They haven't seen each other in almost two months now. It was driving them both mad.

   "Hey sexy" Cate said in a sultry voice. She liked getting Annie all hot and bothered on the phone sometimes, then changing the subject. It drove Annie wild. "Don't do this to me, Catherine" Annie said, warning the blonde.

   "Did I say something wrong?" Cate said in a deep voice. "Mmm, you know what you do to me. Unless you can come over here right now. I don't want to hear it" Annie warned. "How was work?" Cate was smiling ear to ear on the other line. "Fuckin cunt, I hate you" Cate was laughing maliciously.

   "I'll get you for that. Every time you do it, is another smack on your ass" Annie threatened. "How many am I up to, mommy?" Cate said mommy in a breathy voice. "I've lost count" Annie laughed. "Hmm then how will you punish me?" Cate said in a moan. "Mmm, you're the one punishing me" Annie said, very turned on.

   "Hmm what are you going to do about it?" Cate bit her lip. "Let you" Annie said giving in. "That's right baby" Cate said, breathy. "Let me take care of you" Cate ordered. "When are you coming to New York?" Annie said abruptly.

   "Changing the subject are we?" Cate said, cocky. "When are you coming back to film, Cate?" Annie asked seriously. "Next week" Cate said, announcing her arrival. "NEXT WEEK?" Annie asked, shocked. "Yes, dearest. Next week, I promise. They need me in for more shooting" Cate stared at her feet, waiting for Annie's response.

   "I didn't expect that" Annie said, sniffling. "Are you... crying?" Cate asked. "I have allergies" Annie laughed. "What to?" Cate laughed. "Not seeing you" Annie sniffled some more, laughing simultaneously. The blonde laughed as well. "You're allergic to not seeing me. That's a new one" Cate teased.

   "I just miss you so God damn much, Cate" Annie admitted. "Yes, I miss you too. I really do, sweetheart" Cate admitted. "It's been so long" Annie whined a little. "It's been too long" Cate added. "Soon darling, soon" Cate reassured.

   "Cate?" Annie asked. "Yes, Annie?" Cate answered. "I... I can't wait to see you" Annie covered up her thoughts. "You already said that, sweetheart but I can't wait either" Cate laughed. "Well, I better get off here and try to sleep" Annie concluded. "Of course. Goodnight dearest" Cate wished. "Goodnight, Cate" Annie hung up. Cate went to bed, and got a decent nights rest for once.

Andrew woke Cate, nudging her awake at 5 AM. "What is it?" Cate asked, out of it. "I have to go to Belfast" Andrew admitted. "Wha- what time is it?" Cate was beyond out of it. "It's 5:03" Andrew said. "Wh-why do you have to go to fucking Belfast?" Cate was very confused.

   "Oh, work thing" Andrew was more than likely being truthful about this. Cate trusted it was an actual work thing. This happens frequently at times with him. He doesn't know when he needs to be somewhere until last minute at times.

   "What about the kids? I need to go over my lines" Cate asked, mildly irritated. Andrew was supposed to be in charge of the kids this week so she can work on the script. It was an excuse to think and talk to Annie more but he didn't know that.

   "I've already arranged for them to come with me" Andrew assured her. "Oh? They're going right now too?" Cate asked. "Yes, they're all packed up. We're leaving in about 10 minutes. They're waiting to say goodbye to you" Andrew instructed. "How long will you be gone?" Cate inquired. "I'm not sure. I know at least two weeks, after that... maybe more?" He guessed.

   "Oh, alright then. Let me get up and I'll be down to say goodbye" Cate assured. "Okay, we'll be in the living room" Andrew instructed. "Okay, be down in a moment" Cate got up and made her way down, shortly after. She said goodbye to Ignatius and Edith, then kissed Andrew on the cheek goodbye.

   Then as they were pulling out of the drive, she booked a flight to New York. She was going to surprise Annie. That was the first thing on her mind. She could barely contain her excitement when Andrew broke the news.

   Cate packed a carry on, and a suitcase within the hour and she was off to the airport. Of course her flight got delayed once but it wasn't ridiculous, so she ended up making good time.

   Cate made it to New York. It was about 4 PM when she got there. She checked into her hotel. Before she could go see Annie, she needed to rest for an hour or two. She was exhausted. So, she napped until 6 PM.

   Cate called Annie. "Hey, how's my girl?" Cate asked smiling. "I'd be better if I had mine... but I'll make do I guess" Annie sighed, then laughed. "Aw, well I ordered you food... so, hopefully that helps?" Cate appeased. "You did??? Where from?" Annie asked enthusiastically. "That Italian place you always talk about on the corner. It should be there in about 45 minutes" Cate soothed.

   "Aw, you shouldn't have!!!" Annie was surprised. "Okay, well I have to go but you enjoy your food sweetheart, okay?" Cate smiled. "Okay, talk to you later" Annie said, slightly disappointed at the short call. "Later, sweetheart" Cate hung up. She then got into a taxi, on her way to Annie's. She also picked up food for them to have together from Annie's favorite Italian restaurant, like she said.

   Cate felt butterflies in her stomach when she showed up at the brunettes building, holding the food. She took a deep breath and buzzed Annie. "Who is it?" Annie said over the intercom. Cate did a bit of voice acting "delivery" Annie then buzzed her up, apparently it was convincing enough. 

   Cate made her way up the stairs, she was now standing at Annie's door. She seriously felt like she was going to puke from all the butterflies but in a good way.

She knocked on Annie's door




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