chapter 1 : hatred is the first step to love.

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Quackity nodded. "Understood, sir." he saluted, sarcastically. Karl rolled his eyes as they strolled off towards class.

"You have history as well, right?!" Karl hoped.

"Of course! Why else would I be going this way, dumbass?!"

"I don't know! I'm just so nervous! I sit next to Sapnap in this class!" Karl muttered, biting his fingernails.

Quackity pulled his wrist down, shoving his hand away from his mouth, "Don't stress it! You'll be fine. And be grateful! I have to sit next to fucking Wilbur!"

"Ew — yeah, never mind. I feel pretty good about sitting next to Sap now." Karl giggled along with Quackity. They arrived at the class, Quackity walking towards the back and sitting next to Wilbur. He groaned in annoyance.

"Awh~ Does ducky not wanna sit next to me~?" Wilbur teased, smirking as he opened his book.

"Shut up! And don't call me that, you dick!"

Wilbur frowned, "I still don't quite understand why you hate me so much." he huffed, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

"It's not obvious?" Quackity laughed under his breath.

"No actually! It's not."

"You're a stuck-up bitch who walks around the halls like he owns the place, a stupid fucking rich snob and you're only popular because you're attractive?! That not enough for you?"

Quackity pov :

Silence. Not for a while thought. Just for a moment. But it still made me feel uneasy. I turned my head to see Wilbur smirking at me. Oh fuck. What did I say? Did I say something wrong?!

"You think I'm attractiveeee~? Awh, how cute."

"Wh-What?! No I don't! You weirdo!" I shot back in disgust. I seriously felt like throwing up.

"Chill, I was only messing with you." he sighed, pulling out his phone.

"If you get caught with that out, it's on you."

"Worried, duckling? And tough. I'm messaging my brother." Wilbur replied, not paying too much attention to the actual conversation in general.

"Which one?" I asked curiously, scribbling down the date and title in my book.

"What? You seriously studied me that hard you found out I had multiple brothers? You did well, A+." he smirked, giggling slightly.

"Oh shut up! It's kind of hard not to notice one of them with you everyday! And my friend told me you had another one."

"Oh, so you like staring at me now? Nice to know..." he smirked, still typing on his phone.

"You know I don't do that, Soot. So stop acting as if everyone loves you." I mumbled.

"I know not everyone does. I'm not stupid. But anyways, I'm messaging Tommy since you were so interested."

"That's all you needed to say."

Wilbur's eyes widened in fear. I could tell he genuinely looked scared. I had never seen this side of him before. He rapidly began to type back as I tried to glance over at his phone, but it was no use, he was leaned too far back, so out of instinct, I leaned as far back as I could and looked down at his phone.

Wilby, what do I do?! They're chasing me again!"

Who, Tommy?! Who's chasing you?

Well — I don't know they're names! But the same people who have been hurting me for months, Wil! I'm scared.

Okay, Toms, It's okay, is there anywhere close by to run to?

&quot;I want you. So fucking bad, ducky.&quot; Quackbur story!Where stories live. Discover now