32. The Totally Not Awkward Flight.

Start from the beginning

Shayne shakes his head. "Everyone deserves love Chloe, but it has to be real. I'm not approving of anything that Oliver did to you or the other women in terms of your emotions, but you can't make someone fall in love with you."

There are tears in Chloe's eyes then. "I just wanted him to look at me like I saw him start to look at you. Neither of you saw anyone notice, but it was there, it was right fucking there and it was so insulting."

Shayne finds it interesting how clearly Chloe is describing what she saw versus Lisa's description. Either they were glaringly obvious, or maybe she was just super observant (he guesses the nurse job makes sense in that context). Either way, it's just sad now, he's just sad at how much this one mistake will likely cost her.

"You take care of yourself, Chloe," he finally says, leaving her and the man standing there while making his way over to the boarding gate. He knows she'll be on the same flight, but he doesn't have much else to say at this point. He's honestly just ready to go home.

As Shayne approaches the boarding gate, he glances back behind him to spot a familiar and very welcomed group making their way toward him. Oliver is walking alongside Carmen, Clide, and Benji. Shayne can't help but smile at the sight of Oliver, his heart fluttering.

Their eyes meet, and for a brief moment, all the awkwardness and tension melt away. Shayne can't believe how much this goofball means to him now, and what they're willing to do for each other to see this mess through.

Carmen, with her no-nonsense attitude, breaks the silence when she notices the staring contestant, all of them coming to a stop in front of Shayne. "You two are insufferable, you know that?"

Shayne chuckles, feeling a wave of warmth wash over him. "Hey, we're a package deal now, haven't you heard? Insufferable comes with the territory of an overseas scandal."

Clide chimes in, "The only thing insufferable was Benji's gas on the ride over. Never giving this boy a bean burrito again."

Benji barks as if in disagreement, wagging his tail. Shayne bends down to pet him, momentarily distracted from the whirlwind of emotions inside him.

Carmen crosses her arms, feigning annoyance. "Well, now that we have the insufferable duo ready for the mother of all plane rides, I guess it's time for goodbyes boys."

Oliver steps forward, his gaze filled with a mix of fondness and apprehension. "I can't believe it's come to this. I'm sorry I had to drag you all into it after so much time apart. Thanks for having my- our backs."

Shayne nods, feeling a knot forming in his throat. "Couldn't have said it better myself and the muffins were great Carmen."

Carmen throws him a wink, "I'll have to have Oli shoot over my recipe."

Oliver's eyes shimmer with unshed tears. "I love you guys."

It's a rawness and vulnerability Shayne's not sure he's seen since they made love. They stand there, all of their eyes locked in a bittersweet moment, the air filled with unspoken words. It's both heartbreaking and hopeful.

Carmen clears her throat, interrupting the moment. "Alright, enough with the sappy stuff. We'll be waiting for you guys when you're ready to come back down under. Don't be strangers. And Oli, please text your mother, she saw a picture of us all on the news and is worried sick. She says you aren't returning their calls. Don't ask me how that woman still has my number."

Clide adds with a smirk, "And if you ever need help escaping another paparazzi swarm, just give us a call. We'll be your personal extraction team."

Shayne laughs, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Thanks, guys. You've been more than friends to us."

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