19. Is Now A Good Time For The Kangaroo?

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Group Chat: Shayne, Max, Lily


Hey, you two! Australia is wild. I can't believe we're here!


You won't believe what I found on Google. A kangaroo that can do the Macarena. YOU HAVE TO GO! (Plus send videos and pics.)


Shayne, please tell me you're not planning on participating in kangaroo dance-offs. As your sister, I have to remind you that you still aren't allowed to die before I do.


Haha, Max, that sounds ridiculous! We'll have to check it out. And Lily, don't worry, I promise to avoid any dangerous kangaroo dance-offs. 😜


Safety schmafety! It's all about the adventure, Shayne. And you got to go surfing my man!


I recommend exploring the local markets or trying some authentic Aussie cuisine.


So about this surfing?


So I've already found a gnarly surf for you to catch some waves and show the Aussies our skills! I'll text you.


😑 Just remember to stay safe, wear sunscreen, and watch out for sharks, okay? And don't forget about the jellyfish!


Can't forget about the jellyfish 🪼.


All hail our jellyfish overlords (but I'm serious about the kangaroo). 🦘

Shayne realizes he has to tear his eyes away from his phone when he finally gets to his hotel room, suitcase in hand, ready to unpack and settle in. He steps inside and is immediately struck by the sleek and modern design. The room is spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a stunning view of the Sydney skyline.

He walks over to the window, gazing out at the city below. The sun casts a warm glow over the bustling streets, and he can see people going about their day with the same buzz of LA's scene. The iconic Sydney Opera House is practically right next to him, framed proudly against the backdrop of the harbor as if it was ripped right off of a magazine cover.

He takes a moment to appreciate the beauty before him, the realization sinking in that he's here, in Sydney, living some psychotic fever dream where he's good enough to be worth shipping across the world. The magnitude of it all fills him with a mixture of excitement and gratitude. For as cheesy as this show has been, he can't help but admit the door might be wide open for a future beyond it. All that's left to do is hide his time, get Lisa to call in her favor, and figure out if and how Oliver is even on the table (and he can't forget about it, Ethan).

As he starts unpacking his bags, his phone rings, interrupting the confusing serenity of the moment. It's Lisa (speak of the devil) and he answers in a rush.

"Hey, Shayne," Lisa says, her voice brimming with energy. "Get ready, it's showtime for the next challenge!"

Shayne's heart skips a beat, the adrenaline rushing through his veins. "What's the challenge, Lisa?"

"Well," Lisa starts, her voice hinting at a mischievous tone, "The ladies and Oliver are going to one of Sydney's famous escape rooms. The first one out gets the first solo date at one of his favorite spots."

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