2. Second & Third Impressions.

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What the actual fuck just happened.

The thought is nearly lost in Shayne's head as a whirlwind of cameras, crews, and lights swarm around him inside the mansion. He's not left alone in his thoughts for long as a woman with a headset walks up to him. She's wearing a nearly identical outfit to his own, leaving him relieved that the casual route was clearly the way to go. What is a little jarring though is her fire truck red hair and ruby red lipstick. She wears it well, but it's a certain eccentric style Shayne didn't think anyone around here could get away with.

"Welcome to the next eight weeks of your life kid," the woman says, extending her hand, which he shakes meekly.

"Lisa Kyle, Production Coordinator," she says. "You must be the PA?"

Shayne nods, trying to get his thoughts back on track. "Shayne Bennett, and yeah, ready to get my romance on."

Lisa laughs, picking up on the sarcasm he thought would be subtle to anyone else except
Max. He knew they would probably get along.

"Look," Lisa says, "It wasn't my cup of tea either, but you do a couple of these and the sky cracks right on open kid. It's all about who you know, and where you know them."

He nods, again hoping that his smart mouth hasn't pissed off one of the most important connections in a 10-mile radius.

"Come on, I'll show you the ropes," Lisa says, before yanking him by the arm and dragging him forward.

The grand entrance opens up to a spacious foyer, adorned with luxurious furniture and sparkling chandeliers. Crew members rush around, setting up cameras and adjusting lighting equipment. Shayne's eyes dart around, taking in the bustling activity.

Lisa guides Shayne through the mansion, introducing him to various crew members along the way. He meets Sarah, the director, who exudes a sense of authority and confidence. Then there's Michael, the sound engineer, and Emma, the makeup artist, both engrossed in their respective tasks.

As they make their way to the main room where the contestants are gathered, Lisa briefs Shayne on the eight women who will be vying for Oliver's heart. She mentions their names and a few details about each of them, giving Shayne a glimpse into their personalities.

- Emily: A free-spirited artist who loves expressing herself through various mediums. Her followers know her for her vibrant personality and unique sense of style.

- Sophia: A driven entrepreneur with a successful online business. She's ambitious and confident, always striving to be the best in everything she does, or at least showing people that's the case. Think Kardashians on steroids.

- Ava: She's a Beauty guru who's just stupidly pretty. She knows how to win an audience, acting just a little bit dumber than she has to to win the day.

- Harper: A witty and intelligent social media journalist who is not afraid to ask tough questions. She values honesty and integrity and has a reputation for uncovering the truth on lengthy true-crime podcasts.

- Chloe: A compassionate and empathetic nurse who dedicates her life to helping others, highlighting cases of maltreatment of health care workers across the country.

- Maya: An adventurous traveler who has explored the world and embraced different cultures. She's open-minded, spontaneous, and always up for trying new experiences.

- Olivia: A talented musician with a hauntingly beautiful voice. She uses her music to convey emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.

- Liz: A quirky and creative writer who weaves captivating stories. She has a whimsical personality and a knack for making people laugh.

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