15. Kentucky Fried Wishes & Nightmares.

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8:15 A.M.

You, me laser tag? In about an hour. Say yes please, I know a new place and I don't think I can handle any more rejection (jk).

It's not exactly what Shayne has in mind the next morning as he sorts through the colossal dumpster fire of his life. How could he screw so much up in such a short period of time?

He hasn't been expecting to hear from Ethan so soon, and given everything it might be best if he acts like he hasn't seen it. He shows the text to Max from a barstool, who's sitting on the couch, engrossed in his phone.

Max glances at the message and grins. "Laser tag, huh? That's a pretty bold move, my friend. Are you ready for some strategic warfare?"

Shayne rolls his eyes. "You make it sound like we're going into battle. It's just a game, Max."

Max chuckles. "Oh, but it's more than just a game, my friend. Laser tag is where love is forged, and rivalries are born. It's a chance to release all that pent-up guilt and prove your prowess. Plus, it's an excellent opportunity to show Ethan what a badass you are."

Shayne shakes his head, torn between the idea of going out and having fun and the lingering doubts in his mind. "I don't know, Max. What if it's too soon after everything that happened with Oliver?"

Max raises an eyebrow and puts on his best persuasive tone. "Shayne, my man, you need a distraction. Trust me, laser tag is the perfect remedy for a bruised ego. Besides, Ethan seems like a good guy. It's time to let loose and enjoy yourself. Don't let Oliver's drama overshadow the fun in your life."

Shayne hesitates, but Max's argument starts to sway him. He can't deny that a little fun might help take his mind off things, even if just for a while. He finally relents with a sigh. "Alright, fine. But if I get annihilated out there, I'm blaming you."

Max grins triumphantly. "Deal! Prepare for the battle of a lifetime, my friend. We're going to dominate that laser tag arena."


8:18 A.M.

I'm in, but I've got a plus one!


8:19 A.M.

Sounds like a plan, my man. I'll text you the addy.

As they gather their things and head out the door, Shayne can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. He's not exactly known for his athleticism or competitive spirit, but Max's enthusiasm is contagious.

"Can't be the worst decision I've made, and there aren't any planes in sight so it should be safe right?" He asks his friend.

"Yeah, your biggest concern there will be the demon spawn little kids whose parents could care less," Max says.

"Can't be any worse than a mansion full of drama queens," Shayne adds.

Max strokes his chin in deep thought. "You know, you might actually have me there."

They arrive at the laser tag venue, greeted by neon lights and the sound of upbeat music. The atmosphere is buzzing with anticipation, and Shayne can't help but be swept up in the energy.

Max elbows him playfully. "Alright, superstar. Time to unleash your hidden laser tag skills. Remember, stealth and precision are key. And don't be afraid to show Ethan who's boss!"

Shayne rolls his eyes but can't help but chuckle at Max's antics.

They approach the counter to purchase their tickets, and not too long after Ethan shows up. Shayne can't help but study the guy who's also keeping him on his toes.

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