31. You're Not Getting Out Of This One, Movie Star.

Start from the beginning

"I owe it to Alex to know," he says.

"Who the fuck is Alex?" Shayne asks.

"Just a little friend. No one to worry about."

Shayne sighs, laying his head against the window glass. "Good, the last thing I need today is any more surprises. But, if you have to, do it. It's probably better to just rip the band-aid off anyway."

Oliver nods, thumbing open his lock screen, finding the Twitter app, and opening it after a micropause. He's not sure exactly what he's expecting, or prepared for. He scrolls through the sea of tweets, his eyes scanning the usernames and comments. The negativity hits him like a punch to the gut, each hateful message stinging his soul. He braces himself for the worst as he comes across the hashtag #UnfilteredIsOverParty trending worldwide:

@OliverHater247: #UnfilteredIsOverParty This is what happens when celebrities think they can do wtf they want at no consideration to others! Disgusting!

@Fan4eva: I can't believe Oliver would deceive his fans and the ladies like this! We all got played. So disappointed! #UnfilteredIsOverParty

@RealityWatcher: So much for the "real" in reality TV! Oliver, you're a fraud! #UnfilteredIsOverParty

The words cut deep, fueling the doubts and insecurities that had started to surface. But amid the negativity, Oliver also finds unexpected support.

@RainbowWarrior: Sending love to Oliver and Shayne for being brave enough to be their authentic selves. #LoveIsLove #UnfilteredIsOverParty

@InclusiveDreamer: Proud of Oliver for living his truth. We need more representation in Hollywood! #UnfilteredIsOverParty

@LGBTQAdvocate: It's refreshing to see someone in the public eye being honest about their sexuality. Kudos to Oliver for his bravery! #UnfilteredIsOverParty

Oliver takes a deep breath, realizing that while the backlash is overwhelming, there are still voices of support. It's a reminder that he's not alone, that there are people out there who understand and accept him.

Shayne glances over, his gaze filled with concern. "Well?"

"It's a mixed bag," Oliver replies. "There's a lot of hate, but there are also people who are proud of us."

Shayne nods, his expression puzzled. "I guess that's something. We can't please everyone."

Oliver smiles weakly. "See, it could be worse."

The car finally comes to a halt, the driver hoping out and opening the door for them, not a paparazzi in sight.

"Ready?" Oliver asks, his voice filled with determination.

Shayne smiles, his dimple making an appearance. "Ready as I'll ever be."


Oliver and Shayne step out of the car and are shuffled into a tiny building and a bustling crisis room. The room is filled with screens displaying social media feeds, phone operators answering calls, and a crazy sense of urgency.

"So this is what the end of the world feels like," Shayne says.

They navigate through the chaos, making their way toward Pen, who is at the center of the action.

"Ah, there you are!" Pen exclaims, waving them over. "I hope you're happy with the clusterfuck you left me with. Take a seat, boys."

They settle down in chairs next to Pen, who is hunched over a laptop, typing furiously.

"So, how's the outside world treating you?" Pen asks, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Oliver lets out a sigh. "Not exactly the warmest welcome."

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